evjoon's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Stockholm, Sweden
Places visited in Malmö, Sweden
Places visited in Linköping, Sweden
Places visited in Sweden
Places edited in Linköping, Sweden
Places visited in Uppsala, Sweden
Places visited in Lund, Sweden
Places visited in Gothenburg, Sweden
Places visited in Varberg, Sweden
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Gothenburg, Sweden


Sweden's largest remaining gantry crane is a relic of Gothenburg's industrial past.
London, England

The Barbican Estate

This sprawling, Brutalist estate feels like a city within a city.
Malmö, Sweden

Malmö Spetsbunker (Malmö Winkel Tower)

This cone-shaped bomb shelter, modeled on German design, is a rare WWII relic that never saw use but still looms over the harbor.
Prague, Czechia

Prague Astronomical Clock

Macabre astrological automaton clock dating to the late 1400s.
Birka, Sweden

Birka Viking Burial Mounds

Sweden's first Viking city is also the site of thousands of burial mounds.
Borås, Sweden

Walking to Boras

A colossal strolling Pinocchio that was greeted with more outrage than whimsy.
Helsingborg, Sweden

'A Study in Unhuman Sexual Expectations'

These whimsical rabbit figures are not as innocent as they might look.
Raus, Sweden

The Devil Head of Raus Church

Legend has it that this church faced a troll problem, leading to the affixing of a stone face of Satan above the entrance to deter further encounters.
Malmö, Sweden

King Gustav Vasa Knife Incident Plaque

This bronze marker acknowledges an embarrassing royal blunder.
Malmö, Sweden

Talking Trash Cans of Malmö

These waste baskets play a few risque messages to discourage littering.
Falsterbo, Sweden

Shoemaker's Pear Tree

Where a troll might repair your shoes in exchange for a bowl of porridge.
Smygehuk, Sweden

'Famntaget' ('The Embrace')

This statue standing near Sweden's southernmost point was based on the grandmother of a modern movie star.
Hanö, Sweden

Drakmärket (Dragon Mark)

According to local lore, a flying dragon was blinded by a lighthouse and crashed, leaving a permanent mark on this island rock.
Sölvesborg, Sweden

Sölvesborgsbron (The Sölvesborg Bridge)

One of the longest footbridges in Europe.
Ekerö V, Sweden

Björn Järnsidas Hög (Björn Ironsides Mound)

The suspected burial mound of legendary Viking Björn Ironside.
Stockholm, Sweden

Shipwreck of Kastellholmen

At low tide, you can see the remains of a 17th-century ship just off a Stockholm island.
Bromölla, Sweden


These life-sized mosaic reptiles, crafted using ceramics from a local toilet factory, link the town's industrial heritage with its prehistoric past.
Oslo, Norway

Emanuel Vigeland Mausoleum

An artist's mausoleum with a haunting echo.
Oslo, Norway

Gol Stave Church

This handsomely carved wooden church is more than 800 years old.
Oslo, Norway

St. Hallvard's Church and Monastery

The Brutalist building harbors an unusual inverted dome that swoops down over its central sacred room.
Oslo, Norway


Oslo's historic toboggan run has been letting thrill seekers slide from train stop to train stop for over a century.
Oslo, Norway

Forest of the Future Library

One thousand trees were planted in Norway to be used to print books a century from now.
Oslo, Norway

Hrimnir Ramen

A microbiologist-chef is slinging noodles with hyperlocal Nordic ingredients.
Movatn, Norway

Dornier Do 17M-1 Crash Site

The remains of a German plane still sit in the Norwegian wood where it crashed in 1942.