bphipps8181's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Mansfield, Ohio
Riverside, Ohio

National Museum of the U.S. Air Force

Inside houses a vast collection of military aircraft and missiles spanning the ages.
Cleveland, Ohio

Balto the Sled Dog

The heroic sled dog of the 1925 serum run is preserved in taxidermy.
Wapakoneta, Ohio

The Temple of Tolerance

A gregarious Ohio resident has been building his whimsical temple to peace for decades.
Columbus, Ohio

The Topiary Park

Georges Seurat’s pointillist masterpiece has been recreated in Ohio in topiary form.
McArthur, Ohio

Moonville Tunnel

The only remnant of a small mining town is an abandoned railroad tunnel that is steeped in ghostly lore.
New Plymouth, Ohio

Hope Iron Furnace

The remains of a massive blast furnace in what was once one of the country's largest iron-producing regions.
Athens, Ohio

Athens Lunatic Asylum

An abandoned asylum incorporated into a college campus.
Bellefontaine, Ohio

Campbell Hill

In this relatively flat state the highest point is an honored place.
West Liberty, Ohio

Ohio Caverns

These sub-farmland caves are home to a majestic stalactite known as the "Crystal King."
Mansfield, Ohio

The Shawshank Trail

Superfans of The Shawshank Redemption can take a driving tour of most of the films real locations.
Logan, Ohio

The Caves of Hocking Hills State Park

Rare recess caves fill this unbelievably beautiful Ohio park.
Peebles, Ohio

The Great Serpent Mound

The largest earthwork effigy in the world.
Euclid, Ohio

Hillandale Bridge

This abandoned bridge to nowhere stands secluded in the woods of a Cleveland suburb.
Bay Village, Ohio

Porter Creek Bridge Ruins

The overgrown remains of an old rail bridge rise above the valley like ancient Greek ruins.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Modica Way

An alley way dedicated to graffiti and street art is a constantly changing street gallery.
Dayton, Ohio

SAM 26000

You can walk through the first Boeing Air Force One, which famously carried JFK's casket from Dallas back to D.C.
Zanesville, Ohio

Zanesville Y-Bridge

A favorite of Amelia Earhart, ranking among those rare bridges that can be crossed without changing sides of the river.
Springfield, Ohio

Hartman Rock Garden

A miniature world of concrete and stone in Springfield, Ohio.
Mansfield, Ohio

BibleWalk Wax Museum

This recycled wax museum may be the only one that features John Travolta in a Bible scene.
Mansfield, Ohio

Ohio State Reformatory

Prison made famous by The Shawshank Redemption has been out of commission since 1990.
Mansfield, Ohio

Mansfield Memorial Museum

The permanent home of Elektro, the celebrity automaton of the 1939 World's Fair.
Dublin, Ohio


The inventor of a number of hybrid corn species is immortalized with a field of giant corn.
Delaware, Ohio

The Rutherford B. Hayes Birthplace Gas Station

A gas station has taken the place of the home of the 19th American President.
Marion, Ohio

President Warren G. Harding's Tomb

This presidential tomb was not dedicated until years after Harding's death due to personal controversy.