wathbaja's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Worthing, England
Places edited in Hull, England
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Bristol, England

The Observatory & Camera Obscura

The Bristol Camera Obscura housed in an ancient windmill.
Sheffield, England

'Allen the Peregrine Falcon'

This Sheffield sculpture composed of 17,000 Allen keys honors both urban falcons and a furniture icon.
Naples, Italy

Funicolare Centrale

In a city that boasts four separate inclined cable railways, this is one of the busiest funicular lines in the world.
Naples, Italy

The Anatomical Machines of Cappella Sansevero

These "anatomical machines" are only one of the many strange items in this Italian crypt.
Naples, Italy

Toledo Art Station

This shining multicolored metro station deep under Naples is said to be the most beautiful in Europe.
Naples, Italy

Fontana del Gigante

This monumental fountain has moved around the city multiple times.
Manchester, England

John Rylands Research Institute and Library

A Victorian Gothic masterpiece housing a world-class collection of rare books and manuscripts.
Worthing, England

Warrior Birds Memorial

An eccentric memorial garden to the "warrior" birds of World War I, the messenger pigeons used by the Allied forces.
Worthing, England

Dome Cinema

It was once the longest continuously running cinema in the United Kingdom.
Athens, Greece

Tzistarakis Mosque

Legend says it was constructed with the destroyed pillar of an ancient Greek Temple.
Egina, Greece

Tower of Markellos

This pink watchtower served as the seat of the Greek government after independence from the Turks.
Vatican City

Gallery of Maps - Galleria delle Carte Geografiche

Breathtaking and huge 430 year old maps of Italy.
Vatican City

Vatican City Walls

Historic fortifications form the boundary of Vatican City, but it’s not entirely surrounded by walls.
Sheffield, England

Bishops' House

This house was home to a succession of park keepers for more than 90 years, but in all that time, it never had a toilet.
Sheffield, England

Sheffield General Cemetery

Cemetery established by the Victorians as a solution to the overflowing graveyards.
Sheffield, England

Bessemer Converter at Kelham Island Industrial Museum

One of the last remnants of the Bessemer process that revolutionized steel production during the industrial age.
Sheffield, England

Riverside Pub Mural

Located behind the Riverside Pub is a nautical fantasy from one of the area's renowned street artists.
Sheffield, England

The Steelworker Mural

This magnificent mural was created with over 30,000 colored bricks.
Reykjavik, Iceland


One of the tallest buildings in Iceland, and perhaps, the most visually impressive.
Reykjavik, Iceland

Icelandic Punk Museum

This tiny museum's sizable collection is jammed into a former underground public toilet.
Paris, France

Mascarons of Pont Neuf

If you look closely at the oldest bridge in Paris, you might notice hundreds of ugly faces leering from its sides.
Paris, France

Pont de la Concorde

This bridge was constructed from the rubble of the infamous Bastille.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

De Brandgrens (The Blaze Boundary)

These lights mark the area of Rotterdam that was bombed and burned in 1940.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

West Kruiskade Teapot

A huge teapot illuminates a home for the elderly.