Miniera di Monte Narba
San Vito, Italy
Once one of the largest sites of silver deposits in Italy.
Miniera di Monte Narba
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Active between 1874 and 1935, this abandoned mining town was one of the largest sources of silver in Italy. The eerie feeling of seeing the vegetation taking over is impressive.
The interiors of some of the buildings were painted by Austrian prisoners during World War I and are still well preserved despite being open to the wind, sun, or rain.
Know Before You Go
Warning, the building isn't safe to enter. To get there, at the entrance of San Vito, follow the sign on the left. At the bridge, cross the river and at the next intersection, go straight. If you're driving you can leave your car at the entrance of the village (39.4122697, 9.5240233).
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July 31, 2022
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