Wonder Voyage's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Wonder Voyage's activity rankings
Places visited in Galway, Ireland
Places added to Clearwater, Florida
Places edited in Keystone, South Dakota
Places visited in Kilkenny, Ireland
Places visited in Matera, Italy
Places visited in Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland
Places visited in County Donegal, Ireland
Places visited in Grapevine, Texas
Places visited in Dijon, France
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Chamblee, Georgia

The Oddities Museum

A celebration of one man’s obsession to collect the strangest items imaginable.
Durham, England

'The Journey'

A statue commemorating the perilous journey made by the monks who delivered the body of St. Cuthbert.
Rapa Nui, Chile

Ana Kai Tangata (Cannibal Cave)

The ominously named cave is home to some remarkable ancient art.
Rapa Nui, Chile

Kotepokouri Rano Kau

A volcanic crater that visitors can look inside.
Rapa Nui, Chile

Pu o Hiro (Hiro's Trumpet)

In the Middle Ages, villagers would sound this stone trumpet to boost fertility and coax fish to shore.
Rapa Nui, Chile

Mataveri International Airport

The world's most remote airport.
Rapa Nui, Chile


This was once the center of the Birdman cult, and is now a World Heritage Site.
Rapa Nui, Chile

"El Gigante" and the Moai of Rapa Nui

The largest stone moai on Rapa Nui.
Santiago, Chile

Monument to the Indigenous People

This sculpture meant to honor the bravery of the Indigenous Mapuche people of Chile proved controversial.
Split, Croatia

Dioklecijanov Akvadukt (Diocletian Aqueduct)

This ancient Roman aqueduct once funneled water to Diocletian's palace.
West Montrose, Ontario

West Montrose Covered Bridge

Known as the "Kissing Bridge" for its privacy, it also happens to be the last covered bridge in Ontario.
Tampa, Florida

Ulele Fairyland Figures

These former theme park figures have a new lease on life outside a water plant-turned-restaurant.
Gibsonton, Florida

Gibsonton, Florida

The snowbirds here are circus sideshow performers.
North Fort Myers, Florida

The Shell Factory

The largest retailer of seashells in the world.
Ochopee, Florida

Skunk Ape Research Headquarters

In the depths of the Everglades, one man has dedicated his life to studying the elusive Skunk Ape.
Ochopee, Florida

Ochopee Post Office

The smallest post office in the United States is no bigger than a broom closet.
Downpatrick, Northern Ireland

Inch Abbey

A medieval abbey featured on 'Game of Thrones' that dates back to the 12th century.
Fenwick Island, Delaware

Discoversea Shipwreck Museum

A desiccated merman and a walrus penis bone are among the oddities in this eclectic collection of shipwreck treasures.
Des Moines, Iowa

Zombie Burger + Drink Lab

This zombie-themed restaurant stands out in the heart of corn country.
New York, New York

Cafe at the Swedish Church of New York

Finally, you don't have to be a pious Swedish seaman to relax like one.


Surrounded by ash fields in Iceland, an impossibly verdant valley looks like something out of a fairytale.
New York, New York

Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace Museum

The rough and tumble president's childhood home displays the shirt he was once shot in and the speech that saved him.

Punalu'u Black Sand Beach

This black shoreline is made up of exploded lava particles.
Chamblee, Georgia

Rainy Day Revival

An oddity shop filled with taxidermy, funerary memorabilia, and more.