poisonsugar27's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Millers Point, Australia

Sydney Observatory

This historic observatory contains the world's oldest refracting lens telescope.
Salt Lake City, Utah

The Pioneer Memorial Museum

This museum remembers the tough Mormon trek across America through an intriguing array of artifacts.
Baltasound, Scotland

Bobby's Bus Shelter

This Shetland Islands bus shelter may be small, but it squeezes in a couch, a desk, some art, and even an old telly.
Dublin, Ireland

Relics of St. Valentine at Whitefriar Street Church

Some of the saint's blood and bones are said to reside in Dublin.
Galway, Ireland

Seven Churches

While only two of the ancient buildings at this site are actually churches this was one of the earliest Irish pilgrimage sites ever.
Dublin, Ireland

Saint Audoen's Gate

The enchanting archway is the only surviving portal into Dublin's lost medieval wall.
New Orleans, Louisiana

The Tree of Life

This knobby, drooping New Orleans oak is a favorite place both for climbing and for meeting giraffes.
Spring Green, Wisconsin

House on the Rock

A bizarre house filled with an astounding array of collections.
Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin

Wizard Quest

A theme park attraction designed to turn your children into LARPers.
Traverse City, Michigan

Doug Murdick’s Rooftop Box of Fudge

For more than 50 years, an iconic sign has greeted visiting “fudgies” to the Traverse City area.
Traverse City, Michigan

Traverse City State Hospital

Former self-sufficient mental institution now a planned community.
Traverse City, Michigan

The Hippie Tree

Though its branches are painted bright colors by generations of locals, the tree is said to be a haunted portal to hell.
Traverse City, Michigan

Tunnels of Traverse City State Hospital

A subterranean world of tunnels links several buildings of this rare 19th-century asylum.
Manistee, Michigan

S.S. City of Milwaukee

The restored ferry is now a dockside museum and a unique bed and breakfast.
Holland, Michigan

Tulip Time Festival

Largest tulip festival in America, includes fireworks, a parade, and a carnival.
Fremont, Michigan

National Baby Food Festival

Week-long festival in the baby food capital of the world.
Mears, Michigan

Silver Lake Sand Dunes

An unlikely beach paradise of giant sand dunes lies between two lakes just a few minutes from Michigan's cherry country.