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Places visited in Norwich, Connecticut
Places visited in Charlemont, Massachusetts
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Sturbridge, Massachusetts

Old Sturbridge Village

The largest living museum in the Northeast recreates life from the Early Republic period complete with costumed historians and reenactors.
Lynn, Massachusetts

High Rock Tower

At the supposed instruction of Ben Franklin and Socrates, a Spiritualist believer intended to birth a mechanical messiah here.
Salem, Massachusetts

Ye Olde Pepper Candy Companie

Visit a sweet shop selling one of the first candies ever made and sold in America.
Salem, Massachusetts

House of the Seven Gables

The 340-year-old house that inspired the classic Nathaniel Hawthorne novel.
Salem, Massachusetts

Herb Mackey's Metal Sculpture Yard

One man’s hobby is another man’s world of metal wonders.
New London, Connecticut

Ye Antientist Burial Ground

One of the earliest graveyards in the region.
Uncasville, Connecticut

Wells Dinosaur Haven

A free display of artistic lifesize dinosaur sculptures in a backyard garden.
Norwich, Connecticut

The Blue Lady of Yantic Cemetery

Made of bronze and wearing a blue gown, this lady sat in the same location in the Yantic Cemetery for more than 119 years.
Norwich, Connecticut

Monument to Miantonomo

The site where chief Miantonomo of the Narraganset people was captured.
Griswold, Connecticut

Jewett City Vampires

The graves of a Connecticut family thought to have been plagued by a vampire.
York, Maine

Wiggly Bridge

True to its name, this bouncy walkway may be the world’s smallest suspension bridge.
Freeport, Maine

The Desert of Maine

This tiny patch of arid sand sits in one of the greenest states in the United States.
Yarmouth, Maine


The world's largest rotating world.
Provincetown, Massachusetts

Provincetown Portuguese Bakery

P-town goes wild for the malassadas at this 87-year-old institution.
Provincetown, Massachusetts

Bob Gasoi Memorial Art Alley

Mural fragments and various sculptures honor the longtime artist.
Providence, Rhode Island

Nori the Dragon

A giant green dragon crawls down from the roof of the Providence Children's Museum.
Providence, Rhode Island

Turk's Head Building

The stone sculpture of an Ottoman soldier is an homage to a lost Providence landmark.
Shrewsbury, Massachusetts

Garden of Sweet Remembrance

All that remains of the Whittall mansion are the ruins of the formal garden and its pergola, dedicated to the late Matthew J. Whittall by his widow.
Walpole, Massachusetts

Bird Memorial Clock Tower

This clock tower is all that remains of Bird Hall, constructed by one of the founding families of this Massachusetts town.
Milton, Massachusetts

Great Blue Hill

The hill that gave the Massachusett tribe, and later the state, its name.
Quincy, Massachusetts

Quincy Quarries

From economic backbone of a community to deadly diving hole, these former stone quarries are now a park for rock climbers and graffiti artists.
Quincy, Massachusetts

Granite Railway Incline

The ruins of one of the first railroads in the U.S. lie hidden within a neighborhood cul-de-sac.
Quincy, Massachusetts

Abigail Adams' Grave

The nation's second-ever First Lady urged the founding fathers to "remember the ladies."
Quincy, Massachusetts

Adams National Historical Park

The homestead of American patriot John Adams.