beckycomeaux's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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New Orleans, Louisiana

Lafitte's Blacksmith Shop

The second oldest continuously operating bar in Louisiana.
Pensacola Beach, Florida

Fort Pickens

One of the only Florida forts to remain in the hands of the Union all through the Civil War still stands as a historic stronghold.
Mammoth Cave, Kentucky

Mammoth Cave

The world's longest known cave system.
Carville, Louisiana

National Hansen's Disease Museum

This museum chronicles the history of a leprosy quarantine hospital that then became a refuge.
St. Francisville, Louisiana

Angola Prison Rodeo

A Rodeo for Prisoners.
New Orleans, Louisiana

St. Louis Cathedral

This cathedral dedicated to Louis IX, sainted King of France, holds many secrets.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Marie Laveau's House of Voodoo

A museum and shop on Bourbon Street located in the French Quarter.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Jean Lafitte's Old Absinthe House

A 200-year-old bar in the historic French Quarter refuses to give up its place in history, nor its role in securing ours.
Paducah, Kentucky

Floodwall Murals

A collection of outdoor art by renowned muralist Robert Dafford depicts the history of a flooded city.
Cave City, Kentucky

Dinosaur World

Prehistoric animals decorate this popular outdoor park.
Mountain Township, Illinois

Garden of the Gods

In the Shawnee National Forest, amazing rock formations peer through the treeline.
Munfordville, Kentucky

Kentucky's Stonehenge

A local scoured more than 1,000 acres for stone to create his masterpiece.
Greenback, Tennessee

Fortress of Faith (Greenback Castle)

One man has spent decades faithfully constructing this unique brick and cinderblock castle.