Xavixavir's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Spain
Places added to Tangier, Morocco
Places edited in Spain
Places visited in Alicante, Spain
Places added to Madrid, Spain
Places edited in Stockholm, Sweden
Places visited in Bristol, England
Places added to Spain
Places edited in Mexico City, Mexico
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La Palma, Spain

Museo Arqueológico Benahoarita (Archaeological Museum Benahoarita)

Tools, pottery, and mummies showcase the history of La Palma's native people.
La Palma, Spain

Real Santuario Insular de Nuestra Señora de las Nieves (Royal Island Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Snows)

The oldest Marian image in the Canary Islands still impresses people nearly half a millennium later.
La Palma, Spain

The Tidal Waterspout of Los Cancajos

Marvel at this massive waterspout fueled by the incoming tide.
La Palma, Spain

Pirámide de Vandama

A pre-Hispanic pyramid in the middle of a tourist district in the Canary Islands.
La Palma, Spain

Los Cancajos Salt Factory

These old towers extract salt from the sea.
La Palma, Spain

'Los Tios'

The four-story mural is the centerpiece of a lavish hotel's lush atrium.
La Palma, Spain

Museo Insular de La Palma (La Palma Island Museum)

A former 16th-century monastery houses a museum dedicated to the island and its culture.
La Palma, Spain

The Naval Museum of Santa Cruz de La Palma

This replica of Columbus's famous ship houses the history of La Palma's maritime importance during the Age of Exploration.
Santa Cruz de la Palma, Spain

Monumento a el Enano (Monument to the Dwarf)

A statue commemorating the island's tradition of dancing dwarves in Napoleon hats.
La Palma, Spain

The Black Beaches of La Palma

Volcanic rocks ground down into sand make this Spanish beach as black as night.
La Palma, Spain

The Colorful Balconies of Avenida Maritima

These wooden balconies that are both decorative and functional.
Villanueva de la Cañada, Spain

Cementerio del Cristo (Cemetery of Christ)

This small cemetery and its chapel are located in the middle of a traffic circle.

Ponte da Ajuda (Ajuda Bridge)

The ruins of a 16th-century bridge loom over Olivença's sovereignty.
Val de Santo Domingo, Spain

Valdivia Plum

A tribute to the region's fruit industry.
Barcelona, Spain

Granja Dulcinea

Dunk your churros in rich hot chocolate on the city’s old “Chocolate Street.”
Boadilla del Monte, Spain

El Oso Verde (The Green Bear)

This larger-than-life lime green gummy bear sits in the middle of a roundabout in Spain.
Tangier, Morocco

Cinema Rif

This iconic cinema is home to Tangier's Cinémathèque and a symbol of the city's vibrant film scene.
Somerset, England

Wells Cathedral Clock

This astronomical clock is the second oldest in England.
Tarragona, Spain

Tower of the Scipios

An elaborate Roman funerary monument dedicated to the family of Scipio.
Madrid, Spain

Iguazú Digital Waterfall

This 40-meter waterfall of light graces one of the most iconic stations in the Madrid metro network.
Las Rozas de Madrid, Spain

Presa El Gasco

This 18th-century project to build the world's tallest gravity dam was never completed.
Lyon, France

Saint Exupéry Monument

This statue stands in honor of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, the French author of 'The Little Prince' and an aviation hero.
Manzanares, Spain

Paseo del Sistema Solar

A scale model of our Solar System, where physical representations of the Sun and planets have been placed along a route in the local park.
Bristol, England

'You Don’t Need Planning Permission to Build Castles in the Sky'

Perhaps the most obscure, simplistic Banksy installation found in Bristol or in the entire world.