Foundations of the Roman Aqueduct of Barcino
These 2000 year old remains of a Roman aqueduct are hidden inside a hotel lobby.
Foundation of the Aqueduct
Inside the lobby of the Catalonia Magdalenes Hotel in Barcelona sit three pieces of the foundation of the Roman Aqueduct of Barcino, the Roman settlement that eventually became Barcelona. These remains date back to the first century, when the aqueduct supplied fresh water to the settlement.
The foundations were discovered while the hotel was being built in 2016. They have been preserved and are on display just inside the front doors of the hotel. Leaving the hotel, visitors may find additional evidence of the aqueduct, including the arch and pillars at the entrance to the Archdeacon’s house (Casa del Arcediano).
Know Before You Go
The hotel lobby is open to the public during the day.
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