torwarmor's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Huntsville, Texas

Sam Houston Statue

The world's tallest statue of an American hero.
Roswell, New Mexico

International UFO Museum and Research Center

A museum dedicated to the alleged Roswell Incident.

Punalu'u Black Sand Beach

This black shoreline is made up of exploded lava particles.
Hilo, Hawaii

Kaumana Lava Tubes

Hide from the tourist hordes in these relatively unknown, and unguarded lava caves.


This statue once earned the distinction as one of the "Three Major Disappointments of the World."

Civilian War Memorial

A monument to the civilian victims of the Japanese Occupation forces of World War II.

Prisoner of War Steps

The history of those incarcerated in Singapore during World War II is etched into the bricks of a popular staircase.
Nara, Japan

Tōdai-ji Daibutsuden (The Great Buddha Hall)

This massive wooden building contains a giant Buddha, healing pillars, and tame deer wandering the grounds.
L'Agulhas, South Africa

Cape Agulhas Marker

This small monument marks the divide between the Atlantic and Indian Oceans at the southernmost tip of Africa.
Gansbaai, South Africa

Shark Cage Diving in Gansbaai

An odd little fishing town that is inundated by tourists looking to be locked up in a cage and surrounded by great white sharks, because why not?
Cape Town, South Africa

Boulders Beach Penguin Sanctuary

This African beach is home to thousands of rare mainland penguins that are known for their annoying voice.
Cape Town, South Africa

Seal Island

Haven for Cape Fur Seals, until the Ring of Death of jumping Great White Sharks arrives.
Cape Coast, Ghana

Cape Coast Castle

Where thousands of slaves passed through the "Door of No Return."
Pindaya, Myanmar (Burma)

Pindaya Cave

A Buddha-filled cave that is named after a giant monster spider.
Saugatuck, Michigan

Seurat at Saugatuck

In this quiet park a rendition of a classic painting graces the outside of a charming restroom.
Rockford, Illinois

Anderson Japanese Gardens

This lush 12-acre site was once named the finest Japanese garden in North America.
Kansasville, Wisconsin

Richard Bong State Recreation Area

The Bong-area park police have asked visitors to please, stop stealing the signs.
Kenosha, Wisconsin

Mars Cheese Castle

Wisconsin's most celebrated export gets the royal treatment on I-94.
Wilmette, Illinois

Bahá'í Temple

The only Bahá'í house of worship in North America and one of only a handful worldwide.
Evanston, Illinois

Josie Lyon Statue and Grave

In the middle of Calvary Cemetery stands this singular memorial to a small boy who died too young.
Chicago, Illinois

Bohemian National Cemetery

Cemetery featuring rare glass-fronted columbarium.
Chicago, Illinois

Rosehill Cemetery

Chicago's largest cemetery is full of beautiful Victorian monuments and more than a few ghost stories.
Chicago, Illinois

Merz Apothecary

An antiquated German apothecary on Chicago's North Side.
Chicago, Illinois


The unluckiest U-boat in the entire German fleet is now on display in a Chicago museum.