stugurl's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Elmira, New York

Mark Twain's Grave

The little-known final resting place of one of America's greatest writers.
Elmira, New York

Mark Twain's Study

The wooden octagon in which Huckleberry Finn and A Connecticut Yankee were born can still be visited in upstate New York.
Atlantic City, New Jersey

Absecon Lighthouse

The third-tallest lighthouse in the United States stands as a reminder of Atlantic City's early days.
Haddonfield, New Jersey

Hadrosaurus Foulkii Leidy Site

The first partially complete dinosaur skeleton was discovered here, forever changing the world's view of the ruling reptiles.
Cape May, New Jersey

Wreck of the S.S. Atlantus

The rusting remains are visible sticking out of the waters of the Delaware Bay.
Margate City, New Jersey

Lucy the Elephant

Step inside Lucy, the world's largest "elephant."
Frackville, Pennsylvania

Pioneer Mom and Daughter Roadside Statue

Pennsylvania’s creepiest roadside attraction is a haunting example of roadside kitsch.
Ashland, Pennsylvania

Ashland Mother's Memorial

A eight-foot-tall statue resides in the heart of Pennsylvania anthracite coal country.
Hatfield, Pennsylvania

The Hatfield Moose Family

This family of wooden moose statues have become local celebrities in their hometown.
Pine Swamp, Pennsylvania

Hopewell Furnace National Historic Site

A well-preserved example of an early industrial operation in the northeastern United States.
Yeadon, Pennsylvania

Unmarked Grave of H.H. Holmes

America's first serial killer rests in anonymity.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Duquesne Incline

There aren't too many operational funiculars around, but Pittsburgh has two!
Flourtown, Pennsylvania

Morris Arboretum

This hidden gem of a garden has one of the only surviving Victorian ferneries in America.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Graffiti Pier (Pier 18)

The abandoned coal loading dock is a canvas for unsanctioned art.
Tombstone, Arizona

Rose Tree Museum

The world's largest rose bush has literally outgrown the pioneer museum it was planted behind.
Harleysville, Pennsylvania

Barn Attic

Inside this 150-year-old barn turned antique shop is a vast array of items for curios hunters.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Penn Museum's Collection of Ancient Tweezers

These medicine cabinet staples are part of the museum's collection of everyday objects.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Toleration Statue

Contrary to popular belief, this secluded statue doesn't represent Pennsylvania's founder.
Bensalem, Pennsylvania

Horse at Water

This giant disembodied horse head seems to balance impossibly on its nose.
Kennett Square, Pennsylvania

Cats of Longwood Gardens

These lush botanical gardens employ the most purrfect pest control force.
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

Hoover-Mason Trestle

The internal railway of one of the biggest steel plants in America has been transformed into a linear park with unique industrial views.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Grave of Thomas Wiltberger Evans

The corporeal remains of Napoleon III's dentist rest under this 15-story obelisk.
Birdsboro, Pennsylvania

Daniel Boone Homestead

Where the famed frontiersman was born, raised, and survived Quaker intrigue
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

First Bank of the United States

Alexander Hamilton’s creation caused quite a bit of controversy.