Wreck of the S.S. Atlantus
The rusting remains are visible sticking out of the waters of the Delaware Bay.
The wreckage of the SS Atlantus lies 150 feet off the coast of Sunset Beach near Cape May Point, New Jersey, where the ship ran aground on June 8, 1926.
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At Sunset Beach in Cape May, NJ, you can see the remains of the S.S. Atlantus sticking out the Delaware Bay. The ship was one of a few experimental ships made of concrete that were built during World War I. It has been slowly receding into the bay since it snapped loose during a storm and ran aground in 1926. It has been receding into the bay ever since.
Know Before You Go
Don't miss the daily lowering of the American Flag ceremony at sunset, they have been doing it for over 40 years. The area includes shops, a snack shop and mini-golf.
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May 7, 2013
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