michilio's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Ostend, Belgium
Places added to Fréjus, France
Places visited in Théoule-sur-Mer, France
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Gibraltar Airport

Single runway interrupted by a busy road that cuts across its middle.

Operation Tracer Cave

There was a top secret plan during World War II to seal a group of soldiers inside the rock.
Seville, Spain

Tomb of Christopher Columbus

The final resting place of the great navigator, or maybe his brother.
Toronto, Ontario

Gooderham Building

Known as "Toronto's Flatiron."
Toronto, Ontario

Berczy Park Dog Fountain

This whimsical fountain pays tribute to Toronto's four-legged friends.
Québec City, Québec

Château Frontenac

This lovely, if imposing, piece of Canadian gothic is possibly the most photographed hotel in the world.
Prague, Czechia

Sex Machines Museum

The first museum in the world devoted to sexual gadgetry.
Prague, Czechia

Prague Astronomical Clock

Macabre astrological automaton clock dating to the late 1400s.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Schouwburgplein Kinetic Lamp Posts

Four giant movable street lights decorate this modern Rotterdam square.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Rotterdam Historic Harbor

Old ships and machinery fill a historic harbor in the city that's home to Europe's largest port.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Cube Houses

These slanted cubic abodes are a creative if odd solution to a zoning pickle.
Middelburg, Netherlands

Miniature Walcheren

A 1:20 scale piece of the Netherlands commissioned by a queen lets visitors take a stroll as giants.
Cologne, Germany

St. Petersglocke

The largest bell in the world has been swinging high above a Cologne cathedral for almost a century.
Dinant, Belgium

The Charles de Gaulle Saxophone Bridge

A whimsical bridge uses saxophones to pay tribute to two great men and the European Union.
Brussels, Belgium

Le Museé du Jouet (Toys Discovery Museum)

A huge old mansion full of thousands of toys, each there to be used and played with.
Leuven, Belgium

Fons Sapientiae

This whimsical statue dumps water on its head to symbolize knowledge flowing into his brain. Or maybe booze.
Ypres, Belgium

Sanctuary Wood Museum

A rare example of World War I trenches from the British front.
Ypres, Belgium

In Flanders Fields Museum

This memorial museum chronicles the apocalyptic destruction of the First World War.
Oostende, Belgium

Bow of HMS Vindictive

A piece of the front end of a British cruiser that was used as a block ship in World War I.
Ostend, Belgium

Amandine Museum Ship

The last Oostende trawler to fish off Iceland is now a museum.
Ostend, Belgium


Rediscovered in 1992, this abandoned medieval village once flourished by fishing and piracy.
Nieuwpoort, Belgium

'Searching for Utopia'

A massive, gleaming sea turtle with a rider atop its shell looks out over the horizon.
Vleteren, Belgium


Stocking up on the world's best beer requires a pilgrimage to a monastery drive-through.
Akureyri, Iceland

Akureyri Heart-Shaped Traffic Lights

Instead of solid circles, the stoplights in this northern Icelandic town have glowing red hearts.