lroszell's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Cambridge, England

Newton's Apple Tree, Trinity College

This tree was grafted from the actual tree that led Isaac Newton to ponder the theory of gravity.
Cambridge, England


One of several Lilliputian portals that are ready to transport passengers to other dimensions, if they can find them.
Cambridge, England

Reality Checkpoint

An ordinary lamppost situated in the middle of Cambridge has an unusual moniker and history.
Cambridge, England

The Eagle

The Cambridge pub where Francis Crick announced that he and James Watson had discovered the DNA double-helix.
Cambridge, England

Mathematical Bridge

Local legend says Isaac Newton built this footbridge without any screws, bolts, or nails.
Cambridge, England

Corpus Clock & Chronophage

Numberless clock creates a meal of time for the dreaded, insectile Chronophage.
Colares, Portugal

Cabo da Roca

One Portuguese poet described this cape, the westernmost point in mainland Europe, as "where the land ends and the sea begins."
Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal

'Half Rabbit'

This giant sculpture made of trash is a critique of society's wastefulness.
Lisbon, Portugal

Jerónimos Monastery

Elaborately carved to showcase the glorious wealth that the age of exploration brought to the Portuguese empire.
Lisbon, Portugal

Pastéis de Belém

Eat the ultimate iteration of Portugal's most beloved pastry.
Lisbon, Portugal

A Ginjinha

Sip cherry liqueur at a bar dating back to 1840.
Lisbon, Portugal

Livraria Simão

One of the smallest bookstores on the planet.
Detroit, Michigan

Guardian Building Art Deco Lobby

To truly appreciate Detroit's landmark skyscraper, you have to step inside.