Golden Disc NYC's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Caesarea, Israel
Places visited in Saba, Caribbean Netherlands
Places visited in Caribbean Netherlands
Places visited in Taipei, Taiwan
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Lyon, France

Ancient Roman Theaters of Lyon

Lyon, France is home to two remarkably preserved Roman theaters, one dating back to 15 BCE.
Lyon, France

Saint Exupéry Monument

This statue stands in honor of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, the French author of 'The Little Prince' and an aviation hero.
Denver, Colorado

Blue Mustang

The Denver airport is guarded by a 32-foot-tall sculpture of a demonic horse.
Las Vegas, Nevada

St. Valentine's Day Massacre Wall

The bullet-riddled wall from the St. Valentine's Day Massacre, bloodstains enhanced for your viewing pleasure.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Atomic Museum

Stepping away from the glitz of mobsters and casinos to learn about the other history of Vegas.
Incheon, South Korea

Gentle Monster

A pair of oily black spiders lurk inside South Korea's largest airport.
Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Graylyn Estate

This stunning home looks like it belongs in medieval Europe, not North Carolina.
Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Old Salem Coffee Pot

This roadside attraction has been serving out its fair share of hearty folklore and chaos since 1858.
Winston-Salem, North Carolina

First Official 4th of July Celebration Plaque

This metal disk commemorates the birth of a historic American holiday.
New York, New York

African Burial Ground National Monument

This memorial honors thousands of enslaved Africans and their descendants who died in colonial New York.
New York, New York

The Mulberry Bend

During the 19th century, you could pay for violence off a prix fixe menu on this Manhattan street.
New York, New York

Nom Wah Tea Parlor

Dine on dumplings at the oldest dim sum restaurant in New York.
New York, New York

Chinatown's Bloody Angle

Avoid gangster interaction while window-shopping.
New York, New York

Chinatown Ice Cream Factory

Order scoops of pandan, lychee, and black sesame at this family-run institution.
New York, New York

Jefferson Market Library

Named the fifth most beautiful building in America in 1885, this former courthouse boasts the best view in the Village.
New York, New York

C. O. Bigelow Apothecary

The oldest operating apothecary in the US has treated everyone from Thomas Edison to Mark Twain.
New York, New York

The Hangman's Elm

The oldest living tree in Manhattan comes shrouded in sinister legend.
New York, New York

The Evolution Store

A terrific purveyor of natural history objects and curios.
New York, New York

14th Street-Union Square Moving Platforms

The only subway station in the city that still makes use of gap fillers.
New York, New York

Union Square Metronome

The most confusing clock in New York.
New York, New York

Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace Museum

The rough and tumble president's childhood home displays the shirt he was once shot in and the speech that saved him.
New York, New York

Relics of the IRT 14th Street-Union Square Subway Local Platform

Red frames showcase remnants of one of New York's original subway stations.
New York, New York

Tammany Hall

The notorious headquarters of a corrupt political machine.
New York, New York

The "Irving House"

Nope, not Washington Irving's house.