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Places visited in Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia
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Places edited in Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia
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London, England

Museum of London Docklands

A museum that chronicles the interesting and often dark history of the London docklands, once one of the major trading ports of the world.
Lake Tekapo, New Zealand

Church of the Good Shepherd

This charming stone church on the shore of Lake Tekapo is an icon in astrophotography.
Bath, England

Head of Sulis Minerva

The accidental discovery of this gilt bronze head led archaeologists to find the Roman Baths in the city of Bath
Sofia, Bulgaria

The Snail House

A flamboyant five-story building in Bulgaria resembles a crawling snail.
Tokyo, Japan

Tamon-ji (Tanuki Temple)

Home to a legend of the supernatural raccoon dog, a rare wooden structure of Edo, and witnesses of the Tokyo bombings.
Vega, Texas

World's Largest Branding Iron

The Milburn-Price Culture Museum in Vega offers a brand-name oversized cultural attraction.
Lansdowne, Ontario

1000 Islands Tower

This observation tower is a longstanding, 1960s landmark in the Thousand Islands region of Canada.
Belgrade, Serbia

Monument to the Victims of the Sajmište Concentration Camp

Memorial to the victims of the Holocaust in Serbia.
Paris, France

Cannonball of the Hotel de Sens

A lone cannonball remains lodged in the walls of the Hotel de Sens as a sober reminder of a revolution.
Paisley, Florida

Jeremiah M. Brewer's Tombstone

Deep in the Ocala National Forest, a lonesome 19th-century grave.
Berchtesgaden, Germany

Berchtesgaden Salt Mine

Dress up like a miner and take a slide into the disco-lit depths of this once foundational salt mine.
Lohheide, Germany

Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp

A Nazi concentration camp and Anne Frank's place of death.
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Old Burying Ground

This historic cemetery stopped accepting bodies before many Canadian cities were founded.
Halifax, Nova Scotia

The Titanic Mortuary Bag

A morbid piece of memorabilia from the most famous shipwreck in current history is just one of the many poignant artifacts in this Canadian museum's collection.
Green Gables, Prince Edward Island

Anne of Green Gables Museum

Go inside the house that inspired L. M. Montgomery to create one of literature's most beloved heroines.
Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia

Princess Colliery Disaster Monument

A simple memorial between a ball field and a skate park honors 21 men lost in a horrific mining accident.
Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia

Stubbert's Point Battery

Alongside a scenic road are the remains of crumbling World War II gun emplacement.
Ottawa, Ontario

Pandemic Bridge at Porter's Island

The metal truss bridge served as the sole entry point to an "isolation island" for smallpox outbreaks throughout the 1870s and early 1940s.
Glace Bay, Nova Scotia

Marconi National Historic Site

Site of the first official transatlantic wireless communications.
Sydney, Nova Scotia

World's Largest Fiddle

On the waterfront of Sydney, Nova Scotia, a 60-ft. fiddle greets incoming ships.
Scotchtown, Nova Scotia

William Davis Grave

A miner’s death at the hands of strikebreaking company police sparks a labor movement that continues to the present day.
Wellington, New Zealand

Letterbox Village

Leave a trinket at this artistic collection of mailboxes.
Petite-Rivière-de-l'Ile, New Brunswick

The Candy Church

Inside the simple black-and-white exterior of Église Sainte-Cécile hides a pastel wonderland.
North Warnborough, England

Odiham Castle

It's believed King John of England stayed at this 13th-century castle before riding off to sign the Magna Carta.