BettyS's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Rome, Italy

Ludus Magnus

The ruins of the largest gladiatorial school in Rome are largely hidden under modern streets.
Chicago, Illinois

North Avenue Baths Facade

Former bath house turns gastropub.
Chicago, Illinois

Eternal Silence

A haunting statue called "Eternal Silence" has quite the reputation among visitors with active imaginations.
Chicago, Illinois

Graceland Cemetery

An enormous park-like oasis, full of famous Chicagoans' graves.
Chicago, Illinois

Tiffany Dome

This massive stained-glass masterpiece is thought to be the largest Tiffany dome in existence.
Athens, Greece

The Olive Tree of the Acropolis

Legend says this sacred tree was a gift from goddess Athena.
Salem, Massachusetts

Salem Witch Trials Memorial

A simple but powerful tribute to the 20 victims of the 1692 witch trials.
Salem, Massachusetts

Statue of Elizabeth Montgomery

Statue in Salem of the woman who starred as the witch Samantha in the sitcom "Bewitched."
Salem, Massachusetts

The Witch House of Salem

The only structure left with direct ties to the Salem witchcraft trials of 1692.
Chicago, Illinois

Myopic Books

A Bibliophile's Dream.
Chicago, Illinois

World Artifacts on the Tribune Tower Walls

Fragments of architectural wonders from around the globe are embedded in the newspaper building's walls.
Pompeii, Italy

Stone Phalluses of Pompeii

The walls and streets of the ancient city are peppered with penises.
Woodstock, Illinois

Woodstock Opera House

This small-town opera house has appeared much more in national culture and history than its charming setting might suggest.
Chicago, Illinois

The DNA Discovery Center

At Chicago's revered Field Museum, visitors are invited to learn about and literally explore DNA.
New Orleans, Louisiana

The Tree of Life

This knobby, drooping New Orleans oak is a favorite place both for climbing and for meeting giraffes.
Pompeii, Italy

The Brothels of Pompeii

Erotic art covers the walls of the largest ancient pleasure palace.
Pompeii, Italy

Plaster Citizens of Pompeii

The last moments of the ill-fated Pompeiians, frozen forever in plaster.
Chicago, Illinois

Thorne Miniature Rooms

Each of these gorgeous, intricately decorated rooms is painstakingly crafted to the scale of 1 inch: 1 foot.
Chicago, Illinois

Garfield Park Conservatory

A lush green oasis in the middle of Chicago.
St. Marys, Georgia

St. Marys Submarine Museum

Interactive modern and vintage submarine equipment, World War II relics, and submarine attire.
Venice, Italy

St. Mark's Lost Third Column

Two stone columns flank the grand Venice square, but there were supposed to be three.
Venice, Italy

St. Mark's Clock Tower (Torre dell'Orologio)

Go inside to really appreciate this 500-year-old technological masterpiece.
Chicago, Illinois

Nelson Algren Memorial Fountain

Odd, decrepit fountain honors Chicago author who had mixed feelings about his hometown.
Chicago, Illinois

Puerto Rican Flag Sculptures

Huge abstract sculptures of the Puerto Rican Flag.