johnhhuculiak's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Niagara Falls, Ontario
Places visited in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario
Places visited in Sudbury, Ontario
Places visited in Ontario
Places added to Salem, Massachusetts
Places visited in Toronto, Ontario
Places visited in Hamilton, Ontario
Places visited in Guelph, Ontario
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Vienna, Austria

'Stock-im-Eisen' Nail Tree

Legends surround an ancient tree trunk riddled with nails for good luck.
London, England

The Luck of Edenhall

A legend says that if this elaborately decorated glass breaks, the good fortune of its owner's household will also disappear.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Philbert the Pig

This beloved marketplace mascot poops money and grants good luck.
Manitowaning, Ontario

Manitou Lake

Lake within a lake.
Shanty Bay, Ontario

Oro African Church

One of the last remaining structures built by a community of African Canadians in the 19th century.
Port McNicoll, Ontario

Martyrs' Shrine

Within the church are the relics of the martyrs St. Jean de Brébeuf, St. Gabriel Lalemant, and St. Charles Garnier.
Laurentian Hills, Ontario

Barron Canyon Trail

Travel this route to explore a canyon crafted by ancient glaciers.
Montreal, Québec

Gibeau Orange Julep

The skyline of Montreal includes the silhouette of an unexpected fruit-shaped Canadian staple.
Toronto, Ontario

Acrotholus Audeti

The remains of the oldest bone-headed dinosaur in North America.
Vienna, Austria

Stephansdom Crypt

The crypt of the imposing Stephensdom holds royal intestines and thousands of skeletons.
Rome, Italy

The Catacombs of San Sebastian

Jesus' footprints and the first catacombs in the world.
Milan, Italy

San Bernardino alle Ossa

An ossuary built in 1210 to collect bones from the Ospedale Maggiore of Milan.
Eggenburg, Austria

Eggenburg Charnel

Artfully arranged bones of 5,800 Austrians.
Marville, France

Marville Ossuary

The remains of 40,000 humans, meticulously stacked in a tiny churchyard shed.
Paris, France

Catacombes de Paris

The vast, legendary catacombs hold secrets much stranger than stacked bones.
Kutna Hora, Czechia

Sedlec Ossuary "Bone Church"

A church of bones, decorated with 40,000 human skeletons.
Solferino, Italy

The Ossuary at San Pietro

The bones of some 7,000 soldiers killed in the historic Battle of Solferino are stored here.
Kudowa-Zdrój, Poland

Kaplica Czaszek (Chapel of Skulls)

The walls and ceiling of this Polish church are decorated with thousands of skulls, with another 21,000 skeletons just below.
Kitchener, Ontario

Waterloo Pioneers Memorial Tower

An 18.9-meter tower that pays tribute to the Pennsylvania-German pioneers who settled the Waterloo Region between 1800 and 1803.
West Montrose, Ontario

West Montrose Covered Bridge

Known as the "Kissing Bridge" for its privacy, it also happens to be the last covered bridge in Ontario.
Wellesley, Ontario

Bean Puzzle Tombstone

It took over 100 years to decode this enigmatic epitaph for two buried brides.
Washington, D.C.

NASA Full Scale Wind Tunnel Propeller

While most wind tunnels test scale models, the "Cave of Winds" was large enough for actual airplanes.
Washington, D.C.

Washington Monument Marble Stripe

Look closely and you’ll notice that the color changes a third of the way up the tower.
Washington, D.C.

Amelia Earhart's Lockheed Vega

The "lovely red Vega" of the legendary record-settling pilot.