kc5qnk's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Galveston, Texas

1900 Storm Memorial

This memorial and the seawall that it stands near are powerful symbols of the island’s resilience.
Houston, Texas

Palace of the Golden Orbs

An unrealized Taoist palace left abandoned in a Houston suburb.
Houston, Texas

The Hobbit Café

A taste of Middle Earth, in the middle of the Bayou City.
Galveston, Texas

The Elissa

The historic tall ship is one of just three of its kind still sailing open waters today.
Kemah, Texas


This Choctaw/Thai restaurant celebrates Indigenous cuisines from different continents.
Huntsville, Alabama

The Grave of Miss Baker

Bananas are often left for the first monkey America ever recovered alive after being launched into space.
Santa Fe, New Mexico

Loretto Chapel

Wedding chapel's mysterious spiral staircase said to be miraculously constructed.
Berlin, Maryland

Assateague Island

The land is home to swimming ponies and a legendary 18th-century treasure.
Athens, Georgia

The Athens Double Barreled Cannon

After just one epic test blast, this literal loose cannon proved too explosive for combat.
Glasgow, Scotland

Spitfire LA198

An icon of the Battle of Britain is frozen in flight in a grand Victorian museum.
London, England

The Lewis Chessmen

These mysterious Viking chess pieces spent centuries hidden on a remote Scottish island.
Astoria, Oregon

The Astoria Column

A Roman-style column in Oregon hides a spiral staircase inside.
Doha, Qatar

'Untitled (Lamp/Bear)'

This 23-foot-tall bear stands amid the hustle and bustle of Hamad International Airport.
Bloomington, Minnesota

The Mall of America

Equal parts record-breaking temple to consumerism and bizarre fun park, it's more than you think it is...
Austin, Minnesota

Spam Museum

Ever wanted to can Spam?
Houston, Texas

Kim Son

Some of the best Chinese-Vietnamese fusion can be found at outposts of this homegrown empire.
Houston, Texas

Himalaya Restaurant

This South-by-South-Asian restaurant serves up Indian-spiced Southern fried chicken and a Desi-style pastrami.
Houston, Texas

Houston Airport Subway

The only airport with a people mover system designed by Walt Disney Imagineering.
Freeport, Texas

Bryan Mound Strategic Petroleum Reserve

This hollowed salt dome is the largest oil storage facility in the world, hoarding 250 million barrels of crude oil.
Aransas Pass, Texas

Seaman's Memorial Tower

A tower that pays homage to local sailors who perished under the waves.
Houston, Texas


In Houston's airport, a cow is properly equipped to jump over the moon.
Midland, Texas

The Petroleum Museum

The petroleum industry brings you the joys of hydrocarbons and largest collection of antique oil rigs in the world.
Austin, Texas

Treaty Oak

This massive oak tree has ties to the first native tribes of the region and the founders of Texas.
Houston, Texas

Aurora Picture Show

Local arts organization founded in a former church.