ioannakriek's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Saguenay, Québec
Places visited in Strasbourg, France
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Risoul, France

Plan de Phazy

Since ancient times these picturesque springs have been providing bathers with healing waters.
Réotier, France

Petrified Fountain of Réotier

This otherworldly French waterfall looks like its waters have turned to stone.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Het Wittehuis

The oldest skyscraper of Europe now stands dwarfed by the surrounding structures.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Rotterdam Historic Harbor

Old ships and machinery fill a historic harbor in the city that's home to Europe's largest port.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

The Delftse Poort

A modern reimagining of a medieval city gate.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Cube Houses

These slanted cubic abodes are a creative if odd solution to a zoning pickle.
Amsterdam, Netherlands


Some 80,000 Delft Blue tiles line the inside of this Amsterdam walkway.
Delft, Netherlands

Vermeer's Grave

The grave of the famous painter is marked by a simple stone in the ground.
Palermo, Italy

Arabic Inscription of Palermo Cathedral

Why a column on the entrance is inscribed with a verse from the Quran is one of Sicily's many mysteries.
Palermo, Italy

Cappella Palatina

Every inch of this chapel is covered in craftsmanship from across the world.
Palermo, Italy

San Giovanni degli Eremiti

Behind medieval walls in a corner of bustling Palermo is a breathtaking former mosque once inhabited by a wolf-taming hermit.
Palermo, Italy

Galleria delle Vittorie

An abandoned shopping gallery built during Fascist Italy tucked in the center of Palermo.
Palermo, Italy

Porta Nuova

This triumphal 16th-century arched gateway leads to the oldest street in Palermo.
Palermo, Italy

The Martorana

This mosaic-lined medieval church was built by the world's first admiral and still holds mass in ancient Greek.
Schiphol, Netherlands


This old KLM airplane cut into three parts was transformed into an eclectic airport gift shop.
Schiphol, Netherlands

Schiphol Clock

It appears as if a man is standing behind this giant airport clock, painting the hands in real time.
Wicklow, Ireland

Howard Mausoleum Pyramid

On the Irish coast, 18 members of the Howard family are eternally resting in an Egyptian pyramid.
Dowth, Ireland


The ancient tomb acts as a calendar that keeps perfect time.
Meath, Ireland

Mound of the Hostages

An ancient neolithic tomb that only sees the sun twice a year.

The Dry Stone Walls of the Aran Islands

Mortarless walls that stretch for miles are a lovely solution for creating grazing land in the harsh terrain of the Aran Islands.
Inisheer, Ireland

O'Brien's Castle

These moss-covered medieval ruins tower atop the smallest of Ireland's Aran Islands.
Inisheer, Ireland

MV Plassy

A steam trawler with a whiskey-soaked history driven ashore in 1960 resides rusty but still standing on the shoreline.
County Derry, Northern Ireland

Museum of Free Derry

A museum dedicated to the tragedy of Bloody Sunday.
County Derry, Northern Ireland

The Free Derry Corner Murals

These murals stand as reminders to the troubled history of this Northern Ireland city.