allybugcleaning208's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Grants Pass, Oregon

Bear Hotel

Dozens of whimsical bear statues "hibernate" here during the winter months.
Terrebonne, Oregon

Smith Rock State Park

Spectacular volcanic cliffs along the Crooked River invite hiking, rock climbing, and photography.
Corvallis, Oregon

Corvallis Sidewalk Stamps

Contractors in this Oregon town have been stamping their names in sidewalks since 1908.
Portland, Oregon

Hollywood Theater

At this airport "microcinema," you can catch a film before you catch a flight.
Portland, Oregon

Willamette Stone Heritage Park

Hidden in Portland’s West Hills, a 170-year-old marker literally stakes out the Pacific Northwest.
Portland, Oregon


The oldest restaurant in Portland serves fiery coffee cocktails and an astounding amount of turkey.
Mitchell, Oregon

Mitchell Shoe Tree

Make it an offering.
Astoria, Oregon

The Astoria Column

A Roman-style column in Oregon hides a spiral staircase inside.
Jacksonville, Oregon

The Bigfoot Trap

Sasqu(w)atch out!
Florence, Oregon

Sea Lion Caves

Only known mainland rookery of the threatened Stellar sea lion.
Malta, Montana

Great Plains Dinosaur Museum

This small museum is home to some of the oldest and best-preserved dinosaur specimens found in Montana.
Havre, Montana

Havre Beneath the Streets

After Havre burned down, the best place to build was under the ashes.
Three Forks, Montana

Bleu Horses

These giant metal horses graze on a hilltop near the Montana highway.
Butte, Montana

Our Lady of the Rockies

High in the Rockies the third largest statue in the U.S. opens her welcoming arms, and lights up the night sky.
Worden, Montana

Pompey's Pillar

The last physical evidence of the Lewis and Clark trail is one of their autographs etched into this giant rock.
Great Falls, Montana

Sip 'n Dip Lounge

"Polynesia on the Plains."
Drummond, Montana

Garnet, Montana

This amazingly preserved Gold Rush town is a historian's dream.
Mullan, Idaho

Elmer's Fountain

A miner's handmade folk art fountains are tucked in the woods off a multilane highway. 
Coolin, Idaho

Lionhead Natural Water Slides

Natural rock water slides hidden in the remote forests of northern Idaho.