The Atlas Obscura Guide To Williston
3 Cool, Hidden, and Unusual Things to Do in Williston, Florida
Updated August 4, 2023
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Atlas Obscura Itineraries
9 Watery Wonders on Florida’s Gulf Coast
Sponsored by VISIT FLORIDA
With all its tidal pools, mangrove islands, and estuaries, Florida’s Gulf Coast shoreline is one of the most dynamic in the country. Throw into the mix almost a thousand natural springs, and Florida truly is a place with as much to explore both above water as below. This ten-stop itinerary is by no means exhaustive. The mermaid shows, cave-diving, underwater museums, mangrove-kayaking, and wildlife-watching opportunities presented here still only scratch the surface – and the depths - of the myriad activities possible along this wondrous coastline.
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