The Atlas Obscura Guide To Tennessee
162 Cool, Hidden, and Unusual Things to Do in Tennessee
Updated January 16, 2025
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Whatever hand the U.S. had in shaping world music, it had its feet planted firmly in the South. From New Orleans, where a confluence of West Africans laid the groundwork for the musical improvisation we call jazz; to Mississippi, where work-songs birthed the blues before the blues birthed rock ‘n’ roll; to Tennessee, where rock intersected with Appalachian folk songs to create country rock, this distinct artistic heritage was forged uphill, from the humblest of origins. Nonetheless, the musical legacy of unsung field hands, farmers, and blue collar workers coming up from the South would go on to change the world, and in no quiet way.
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wants to go to Tina Turner Museum
wants to go to Oak Ridge "The Secret City"
wants to go to Ciderville Music Store
wants to go to Fortress of Faith (Greenback Castle)
wants to go to Grindhouse Video