Sheffield Standard Measures of Length
Presented to the city in 1910 for public use, these brass markers show varying lengths.
Looking down Cheney Row, with the measurements embedded in the wall
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Brass standard measures were presented to the City of Sheffield in 1910 (to celebrate the meeting in Sheffield of the British Association) and have been available ever since for members of the public to use to check lengths. They were moved from their first location to Cheney Row when the Peace Gardens were rebuilt in 1998.
The standard measures consist of brass markers that depict varying lengths including inches, perch or pole, feet, and chains. A more recent addition compares metric, imperial, and early lengths. For years they were used to check lengths and settle disputes about short measures as a sort of consumer protection.
Know Before You Go
Cheney Row is open and available at all times, it's located between the Town Hall and the Peace Gardens.
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