OK County 66 - John’s Place
A quirky mishmash of Route 66 memorabilia and other throwbacks from the past.
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John’s Place is a unique warehouse along Route 66 that is full of relics from the “mother road” and so much more.
It’s run by John Hargrove, a former airplane and school bus mechanic. He has everything from old toys, books, artwork, cars, and memorabilia that was either handmade or personally rebuilt by John himself. He even built a small movie theater complete with seats and a movie screen. Every room is filled with knickknacks and painted with such detail that it’s easy to see how much love and dedication it took to create a truly remarkable place. John is friendly, talkative, and inviting. And his dog Buddy is pretty cool too.
Know Before You Go
It’s free to the public and John’s motto is : If the gate is open, John’s place is open!
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