You’ve Never Seen Stars Like This: Underneath Utah’s Mind-Blowing Night Skies - Atlas Obscura Lists

You’ve Never Seen Stars Like This: Underneath Utah’s Mind-Blowing Night Skies

Clear skies and sprawling desertscapes make Utah a stargazer’s dream.

You only need a few ingredients for perfect stargazing: clear skies, dry air, minimal light pollution, and wide-open landscapes. Southern Utah has all four. In fact, thanks to these idyllic conditions, the state boasts 27 total International Dark Sky Parks and Communities—the highest concentration in the world. 

Not familiar with Dark Sky Parks? We’ve got you. These are places that have been officially certified as having superior stargazing. They’re far enough from city lights that sunset plunges them into near-total darkness, a velvety perfection that lets constellations and planets shine. 

Remote and wild, southern Utah fits the criteria perfectly. On top of that, the region boasts some of the nation’s most unique natural wonders and geological formations—a pretty striking backdrop to the glittering curtain of the Milky Way. The combo makes Utah a magnet for professional night-sky photographers and amateur constellation-spotters alike. After all, if there’s one thing better than seeing the stars, it’s seeing them light up the hoodoos of Goblin Valley State Park, or drifting above the rosy hills of the Coral Pink Sand Dunes. It’s spotting the Big Dipper over the jagged towers of Devil’s Kitchen, or watching the moon illuminate the sandstone jigsaw of Fantasy Canyon

But those are just a few of Utah’s prime stargazing spots. Whether you’re looking to pitch a tent, set up a tripod, or stage a night hike, here are the best places in Utah to take in the cosmos.