themilby5's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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London, England

Paddington Bear Statue

After nearly 60 years, there's still a bear at Paddington Station looking for help.
London, England

Shield of Parade

This magnificently macabre shield shows the power of chivalrous love in medieval times.
London, England

The Sherlock Holmes Museum

This London pub hides a peculiar secret: a recreation of the rooms shared at 221b Baker Street by Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.
London, England

Trafalgar Square Imperial Measurements

These official units of measurement—including chains and perches—lie hidden beneath tourists' feet in a popular London hub.
London, England

Cecil Court

A charming 17th-century alley is lined with secondhand bookstores and antiquarian shops.
London, England

'A Conversation With Oscar Wilde'

An unusual ode to the late Irish playwright, complete with a squiggly bust and coffin-shaped bench.
London, England

The Clink Prison Museum

An incarceration museum on the spot of possibly the oldest prison in England.
London, England

Algerian Coffee Stores

Since 1887, this old-school shop has stacked its shelves with extraordinary coffees and teas.
London, England

Memorial to the Women of World War II

The bronze uniforms commemorate the vital role of women during World War II.
London, England

'The Ambassadors'

A mysterious shape catches the eye in this 16th-century painting.
London, England

Charing Cross Mural

The medieval woodcut-style artwork chronicles life in medieval London.
London, England

Mold Gold Cape

This intriguing Bronze Age artifact spent centuries hidden within a Welsh faerie hill.
London, England

The Burney Relief

This bewitching Babylonian goddess haunts a hallway of the British Museum.
London, England

The Lewis Chessmen

These mysterious Viking chess pieces spent centuries hidden on a remote Scottish island.
London, England

Hoa Hakananai'a

The "lost friend” is the most famous of the six moai statues that were removed from Easter Island.
London, England

Lindow Man

A naturally mummified 2,000-year-old man.
London, England

Platform 9 3/4

Kings Cross Station pays tribute to its role in Britain's best-selling book series.
Prague, Czechia

Prague Meridian

The slender brass strip in Prague's Old Town Square was used to tell time from 1652 to 1918.
Berlin, Germany

Berlin Radio Tower

A restaurant and observation deck built in a unique broadcasting antenna.
Prague, Czechia

Tančící dům - Dancing House of Prague

This tipsy office building in downtown Prague was originally called “Fred and Ginger.”
Prague, Czechia

Idiom Installation / Book Tower

A Jenga-style cylindrical tower of books that appears to go on forever.
Prague, Czechia

Man Hanging Out

What looks like a suicide in progress is actually a statue of Sigmund Freud.
Prague, Czechia

The Thief's Arm at Kostel Sv. Jakuba Vetsiho

A 400-year-old mummified arm dangles from the ceiling of St. James the Greater, serving as a warning to thieves.
York, England

Dick Turpin's Tombstone

The final resting place of England's most notorious bandit.