ruthhundkarel7's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Baarle-Hertog, Belgium
Places visited in Arnhem, Netherlands
Baarle-Hertog, Belgium

The House with Two Numbers

This residence straddles a border between Belgium and the Netherlands.
Baarle-Nassau, Netherlands

Melkfabriek de Hoop

This building once stood at the center of a butter war.
Baarle-Hertog, Belgium

The Migrating House

Not many houses move across borders, this one did it twice.
Baarle-Hertog, Belgium

Zendstation MN7

A reconstructed World War I-era communications array that was once hidden in plain sight.
Baarle-Hertog, Belgium

'De Pungelaer'

A tribute to smugglers and the Butter Wars.
Baarle-Hertog, Belgium

Borders of Baarle-Nassau and Baarle-Hertog

A maze of crosses marks the jumbled divide between the Netherlands and Belgium.
Cape Town, South Africa

South African Astronomical Observatory

This historic observatory was established to keep shipwrecks from littering the Cape of Good Hope.
Cape Town, South Africa

Tapi Tapi Ice Cream

The frozen treats at this Cape Town parlor are inspired by Africa's food cultures.
Cape Town, South Africa

Seal Island

Haven for Cape Fur Seals, until the Ring of Death of jumping Great White Sharks arrives.
Boom, Belgium

Trolls of De Schorre Park

Take a leisurely walk through the park to find the seven giant troll sculptures hidden throughout the park.
Cape Town, South Africa

Just Nuisance Statue

A memorial to the only dog ever officially enlisted in the Royal Navy.
Schiphol, Netherlands


This old KLM airplane cut into three parts was transformed into an eclectic airport gift shop.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

'Beetle Sphere'

A unique work of automotive art calls this shopping center home.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Amsterdam Gable Stones

In the days before house numbers, these colorful signs held clues about various buildings' purposes.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Begijnhof Chapel

A hidden church in a hidden courtyard tells the story of the Miracle of Amsterdam.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Normaal Amsterdams Peil (Amsterdam Ordnance Datum)

Europe's official "zero-level," the equator of elevation.
Amsterdam, Netherlands


Three connected pink triangles memorialize persecuted gays and lesbians throughout history.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Amsterdam Tulip Museum

Tucked in the back of a flower shop, its collection details the fascinating history of the Netherlands's iconic symbol.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Amsterdam Cheese Museum

This cheese shop also houses a museum devoted to Dutch dairy.
Amsterdam, Netherlands


The last of Amsterdam's original sea level markers remaining in place.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Café Papeneiland

Famed for its pie, this eatery has a hidden tunnel that allowed Catholics to secretly walk to church during the Reformation.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Singel 7

Amsterdam's narrowest house facade is a monument to 17th-century tax evasion.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

De Poezenboot (The Cat Boat)

A floating cat sanctuary on an Amsterdam canal.
Paarl, South Africa

The Goat Tower of Fairview Cheese & Wine Farm

The original goat tower, the one that started it all.