riggsfc61's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Trogir, Croatia

Igralište Batarija

The local club's soccer field is practically surrounded by UNESCO-protected monuments.
Split, Croatia

Gregory of Nin’s Big Toe

The big toe of this towering monument to a Croatian national hero is worn from years of superstitious rubbing.
Split, Croatia

UNESCO-Protected SPAR Supermarket

When a supermarket opened up shop within a medieval building it became protected by UNESCO on a technicality.
Ljubljana, Slovenia

Gornji trg Preduh Tunnel

In between two buildings in Ljubljana, medieval tunnel to nowhere.
Idrija, Slovenia

Idrija Mercury Mine

This was the second largest mercury mine in the world and one of the oldest preserved mine complexes in Europe.
Ljubljana, Slovenia

Ljubljana Mosque

Slovenia's first mosque is a striking mix of Islamic and modernist architecture.
Ljubljana, Slovenia


Martin Bricelj Baraga's monolithic sculpture measures the blueness of the sky, and changes color to match it.
Ljubljana, Slovenia

Stara Elektrarna (The Old Power Station)

A relic from the Industrial Revolution got a second life as a contemporary performing arts space.
Ljubljana, Slovenia

Cast-Iron Dogs of Tivoli Castle

Strange rumors surround the artist who created these solemn metal guard dogs.
Matavun, Slovenia

Skocjan Caves

This massive subterranean fissure is known as the "underground Grand Canyon."
Ljubljana, Slovenia

'The Area With Ljubljana's Own Weather'

A public work of art that also provides some relief from the summer heat.
Ljubljana, Slovenia

'Faces' of Locksmith Street

A trough of 700 strange bronze faces runs through a narrow alley in Ljubljana's old town.
Oswiecim, Poland

Auschwitz Concentration Camp

The former Nazi Germany concentration camp stands as a museum to remember this dark chapter in European history.
Borovnica, Slovenia

Soteska Pekel (Hell Gorge)

Apparently, Hell has waterfalls in Slovenia.
Budapest, Hungary

Ghetto Wall Memorial

The holes in this wall provide a glimpse into Jewish life in Budapest, both past and present.
Eagle, Wisconsin

Brady's Rocks

These modest Midwestern formations are kin to Niagara Falls' impressive cliffs, more than 600 miles away.
Prague, Czechia


The medieval "Bearded Man" relief still serves as a clever flood warning marker.
Budapest, Hungary

Mátyás Fountain

A triumphant marble and bronze fountain depicting a 15th-century Hungarian king and his hunting party.
Budapest, Hungary

Red Ruin

This off-beat, quirky communism-themed bar isn't afraid to poke fun at its history.
Budapest, Hungary

Terror Háza

Museum dedicated to the terror regimes of Hungary.
Budapest, Hungary

Budapest Castle Hill Funicular

Built in 1870 at the bridge that connected Buda and Pest, this spectacular incline railway was almost lost forever during World War II.
Budapest, Hungary

Shoes on the Danube Promenade

A trail of iron footwear stands as a monument to the thousands executed along this riverbank during WWII.
Columbus, Georgia

Lunch Box Museum

A stockpile of childhood lunch pails turned collectibles.
Sanford, Florida

I-4 Dead Zone

This stretch of highway is said to be haunted by ghosts of settlers whose graves were paved over.