mlvanrooyen's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Chichen Itza, Mexico
Places visited in Gimli, Manitoba
Places visited in Tehran, Iran
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Chicxulub, Mexico

Chicxulub Crater

The meteor that sealed the fate of the dinosaurs landed at this site, one of the largest impact craters in the world.
Belle Fourche, South Dakota

Center of the Nation Monument

Yes, this monument is aware that it is about 20 miles away from the actual center of the United States.

Little Limestone Lake

The world's largest and most outstanding marl lake regularly changes color.
Boissevain, Manitoba

International Peace Garden

This park straddling the United States-Canadian border has been a symbol of peace since 1932.
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Red River Floodway

A marvel of engineering built to prevent annual floods from devastating the city of Winnipeg.
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Upper Fort Garry Provincial Park

Fort Garry was a pivotal post for the Hudson’s Bay Company and a major factor in the economy and political culture of the area.
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Fort Gibraltar

The intense competition of the 19th-century fur trading industry played out at this fort in Western Canada.
Lorette, Manitoba

Longitudinal Centre of Canada

This strangely specific landmark will let travelers know when they are half way there.
Lac du Bonnet, Manitoba

Old Pinawa Dam

The ruined remains of an early hydroelectric dam.
Wanipigow, Manitoba

Bannock Point Petroforms

Ancient indigenous sculptures steeped in history and shrouded in mystery.
Pompeii, Italy

Plaster Citizens of Pompeii

The last moments of the ill-fated Pompeiians, frozen forever in plaster.
Naples, Italy

Catacombs of Saint Gaudiosus

The burial place of an obscure North African saint was turned into a macabre body preservation factory for the 17th-century Neapolitan elite.
Ridala Parish, Estonia

Haapsalu Airfield

This abandoned fighter jet launch center is now a haunting street racing course.
Jersey City, New Jersey

Central Railroad of New Jersey Terminal

Hidden in plain sight on the Hudson River is an abandoned train station where nature has taken over.
Uribante, Venezuela

The Drowned Church of Potosi

A town church once nearly submerged by the damming of a river is now hauntingly visible as the water recedes.
Washington, D.C.

Clean Rivers Tunnel

An 18-mile-long tunnel for sewage waste will soon wind within the bowels of Washington, D.C.
Island Park, Idaho

Yellowstone's Zone of Death

A legal loophole makes it possible to get away with murder within this 50-square-mile section of Yellowstone.
Paris, France

Statue of Liberty at Pont de Grenelle

This statue was given to France by the United States to commemorate the centennial of the French Revolution.

Harrison's Cave

This popular tourist cave was ignored for almost 200 years before being mined into an attraction.
Conneltown, Barbados

The Animal Flower Cave

Under the desolate and windswept northern coast of Barbados stands a small oasis filled with sea anemones.

Khalid Nabi Cemetery

Iranian tombstones shaped like male and female sexual organs.
Tehran, Iran

Tehran Aerospace Exhibition Center

A graveyard of old and rare planes that once were the glory of Persian aviation.
Praia A Mare, Italy

Dino Island

The abandoned ruins of a failed resort hide on this verdant, picture-perfect island.
Pirou, France

Pirou-Plage Ghost Village

An abandoned beach resort in Normandy reclaimed by artists.