marcpaty1's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Quartzsite, Arizona
Places visited in Winterhaven, California
Places visited in Willcox, Arizona
Places edited in Quartzsite, Arizona
Places edited in Goldfield, Nevada
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Port Townsend, Washington

Fort Worden Artillery Battery

An abandoned network of military bunkers and tunnels open for anyone willing to descend into the darkness.
Port Townsend, Washington

Port Townsend City Hall

City Council meetings still happen in this historic building, impeccably preserved on the inside.
Quartzsite, Arizona

Reader's Oasis Books

The shop's owner has spent decades in the desert wearing nothing but a strategically placed sock.
Tonopah, Nevada

Clown Motel

Oh, just a motel on the edge of the desert decorated with thousands of clowns conveniently located next to an abandoned graveyard.
Goldfield, Nevada

Paste Eater's Grave

Eulogizing an unknown man's unusual demise.
Oatman, Arizona


This once-booming Gold Rush town is now home to a herd of feral donkeys.
Cork, Ireland

'Kindred Spirits' Sculpture

A tribute to the incredible generosity the Choctaw Nation showed the Irish people during the Great Famine.
Quartzsite, Arizona

The Red Ghost of Quartzsite

A scrap-metal sculpture recalls an infamous 19th-century camel.
Quartzsite, Arizona

Hi Jolly Monument

This memorial pyramid marker honors one of the United States Government's first official camel riders.
Benson, Arizona

The Thing

What is the Thing?
Port Townsend, Washington

Starrett House

The building features one of the last remaining free-floating spiral grand staircases in the U.S.
Point Roberts, Washington

Point Roberts

An American city stranded at the tip of a Canadian peninsula where strict adherence to the "49th parallel rule" became problematic.
Skibbereen, Ireland

Irish Sky Garden

This floating garden in the sky is straight out of a fairy tale, but the real thing is nothing short of magical.
Winterhaven, California

Old Plank Road

The remnants of an early automobile route across shifting sand dunes can still be found in the deserts of Southern California.
Winterhaven, California

Valley of the Names

Since World War II people have been decorating this stretch of the Yuma desert with signatures arranged out of rocks.
Yuma, Arizona

Yuma Territorial Prison

Walk through the actual strap iron cells and solitary chambers of Arizona Territory’s first prison.
Dateland, Arizona

Sears Point Petroglyphs

Some 10,000 works of ancient rock art cover these volcanic basalt outcrops near the Gila River.
Tucson, Arizona

309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group

The world's largest military aircraft cemetery.
Dragoon, Arizona

Grave of Johnny Ringo

The remote resting place of a notorious Wild West outlaw whose death is shrouded in mystery.
Willcox, Arizona

Heart of the Rocks Loop

Hike the unusual hoodoos and rock formations that form this little-known natural wonder.
Willcox, Arizona

James Garfield Memorial Fireplace

This fireplace-turned-monument pays tribute to the assassinated U.S. president.
Tombstone, Arizona

Jewish Pioneers Memorial

The Jewish section of the famous Boothill Graveyard was abandoned for nearly 100 years.
Tombstone, Arizona

Boothill Graveyard

A wild west cemetery in Tombstone, Arizona, provides a window into the Old West.
Bisbee, Arizona

Mule Pass: Not Quite the Continental Divide

A mistaken marker makes an erroneous claim along the historic Old Divide Road.