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Places edited in Thingvellir, Iceland


Strange rock formations tower above the river that snakes through this enchanting Icelandic canyon.
Isle of Skye, Scotland

The Old Man of Storr

An ancient Scottish rock formation said to be the gravesite of a giant remains ensconced in legend and intrigue.
Thingvellir, Iceland


The picturesque birthplace of Icelandic democracy is drenched in the blood of its brutal past.


Surrounded by ash fields in Iceland, an impossibly verdant valley looks like something out of a fairytale.
Glen Arbor Township, Michigan

Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore

This national park on the shore of Lake Michigan features remarkable dunes that lie at the heart of a Chippewa legend.
Traverse City, Michigan

Traverse City State Hospital

Former self-sufficient mental institution now a planned community.
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Old Burying Ground

This historic cemetery stopped accepting bodies before many Canadian cities were founded.
Detroit, Michigan

Belle Isle Aquarium

The Beaux-Arts aquarium boasts a vast collection of saltwater and freshwater fish on an island in the Detroit River.
Prague, Czechia

Prague Astronomical Clock

Macabre astrological automaton clock dating to the late 1400s.
Prague, Czechia

Old Jewish Cemetery

Around 100,000 bodies are buried below the medieval headstones, many of which mark graves with multiple bodies stacked up to 12 deep.
Dowth, Ireland


The ancient tomb acts as a calendar that keeps perfect time.
Glenslane, Ireland

The Hole of the Sorrows

This singular Irish dolmen is more Frank Lloyd Wright than upright stonehenge.
Dublin, Ireland

The Long Room Library at Trinity College

The gorgeous library at Trinity College is home to remarkable treasures of Irish identity.
Sandwick, Scotland

Skara Brae

Amazing and mysterious Neolithic settlement on Scotland's Orkney Islands.
Orkney, Scotland

Ring of Brodgar

The true age of this ancient stone circle is unknown, but its stunning vista isn't in question.
Orkney, Scotland

The Italian Chapel

This tin chapel was built by POW's during World War II and is painted to look like something much more grand.
County Antrim, Northern Ireland

Giant's Causeway

Northern Ireland's Brobdingnagian stepping stones.
Gwynedd, Wales


The highest peak in Wales is said to be the final resting place of a giant killed by King Arthur.