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Places visited in Liberal, Kansas
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Tulsa, Oklahoma

Meadow Gold Sign

This 1930s-era Route 66 Tulsa landmark was moved, restored, and filled with neon.
Liberal, Kansas

International Pancake Day Hall of Fame

This museum was built to share the story of Liberal's singular pancake-flipping racing tradition.
Liberal, Kansas

Mighty Samson of the Cimarron

Raised high above the Cimarron River, this 1,268-foot rail bridge followed a half-century of trainwrecks, bridge collapses, and an abandoned town.
Goodwell, Oklahoma

No Man's Land Historical Museum

On a college campus in the Oklahoma panhandle a museum honors the last piece of the contiguous United States to be classified as No Man's Land.
Tulsa, Oklahoma

Golden Driller

The fifth tallest statue in the United States is a shirtless monument to the oil worker.
Tulsa, Oklahoma

BOK Tower

A half-size replica of the World Trade Center towers above Tulsa.
Tulsa, Oklahoma

Boston Avenue Methodist Church

One of the best examples of Art Deco architecture in the United States.
Concordia, Kansas

Whole Wall Mural

This three-dimensional brick mural is the longest of its kind in the United States.
Wilson, Kansas

World's Largest Czech Egg

A 20-foot-tall egg painted in a traditional Czech patterns by the Czech community in Wilson, Kansas.
Wilson, Kansas

Midland Railroad Hotel

This historic railroad hotel built from Kansas limestone was once the most popular hotels for traveling salesmen in the midwest.
Minneapolis, Kansas

Rock City

A landscape of massive spherical boulders are the main attraction in this Kansas State Park.
Salina, Kansas

'Mural at the Mill'

Salina's eye-catching giant mural depicting children at play is painted atop a century-old mill elevator.
Liberal, Kansas

Mid-America Air Museum

A former Army airfield is home to one of the largest aviation museums in America.
Gibbon, Nebraska

Iain Nicolson Audubon Center at Rowe Sanctuary

For one month, the fields and skies of Gibbon, Nebraska, come alive with one of the largest gatherings of sandhill cranes in North America.
Amarillo, Texas

Helium Time Columns Monument

A time-capsule monument reminding future generations of the importance of efficient and effective use of natural resources.
La Junta, Colorado

Bent's Old Fort

Once a lonely sentinel on the edge of the Great Plains, this rebuilt trading fort offers a glimpse of life on the Santa Fe Trail.
Golden, Colorado

The Buffalo Bill Museum and Grave

The final resting place of American icon Buffalo Bill, and a museum that aids in telling his tale.
Chicago, Illinois

Rock N Roll McDonald's and Museum

The palatial McDonald's that inspired Wesley Willis.
Chicago, Illinois

Graceland Cemetery

An enormous park-like oasis, full of famous Chicagoans' graves.
Cripple Creek, Colorado

Christmas Casino & Inn

Inside this casino, visitors are treated to slot machines and a rare German Christmas pyramid.
Breckenridge, Colorado

Breckenridge Troll

Isak Heartstone, a 15-foot wooden troll made out of recycled materials.
Junction City, Kansas

Atomic Annie

A cannon designed to fire an atomic warhead.
Kenton, Oklahoma

Black Mesa

The highest point in Oklahoma used to be a lawless outlaw's paradise.
Meade, Kansas

Dalton Gang Hideout & Museum

This Wild West attraction is probably more fiction than history, but that doesn't mean it's not awesome.