constanzeletjier's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Essen, Germany


The Bauhaus-style former industrial complex is considered the world's most beautiful coal mine.
Cologne, Germany

Cologne's Love Locks Bridge

Thousands of tourists and residents in Cologne affix "love padlocks" on the Hohenzollernbrücke Bridge to symbolize their affections.
Hamburg, Germany

Rote Flora

This contentious squat has stood through fire, violence, and government intervention as a hotbed of leftist protest.
Hamburg, Germany


Hamburg's first legal sex work is relegated to a gated street that still does not allow pedestrian women.
Istanbul, Turkey

Kaiser Wilhelm Fountain

A fountain standing as a testament to a doomed alliance.
Istanbul, Turkey

Obelisk of Theodosius

This remarkably well-preserved Egyptian plinth is pretty well traveled for a giant piece of stone.
Istanbul, Turkey

Basilica Cisterns of Istanbul

A marvel of Byzantine engineering under the streets of Istanbul.
Vienna, Austria

Bestattungsmuseum (Vienna Undertakers' Museum)

Collection dedicated to funeral rites, equipment, and mourning rituals of the Viennese.
Vienna, Austria

Flak Towers

Giant WWII fortresses that fired 8,000 rounds a minute, now home to thousands of pigeons.
Vienna, Austria

Sigmund Freud Museum

The former private quarters and office of Dr. Sigmund Freud now hosts a museum housing the works of the founding father of psychoanalysis.
Vienna, Austria

Gasometer Town

Apartment complexes built into huge repurposed natural gas tanks.
Vienna, Austria

Clock Museum

A small museum filled with over 1,000 clocks, and one particular clock calibrated to run until the year 9999.
Prague, Czechia

Old Jewish Cemetery

Around 100,000 bodies are buried below the medieval headstones, many of which mark graves with multiple bodies stacked up to 12 deep.
Vienna, Austria

House Attack

The house that took a plunge into the facade of a museum.
Vienna, Austria

'Stock-im-Eisen' Nail Tree

Legends surround an ancient tree trunk riddled with nails for good luck.
Vienna, Austria

Stephansdom Crypt

The crypt of the imposing Stephensdom holds royal intestines and thousands of skeletons.
Vienna, Austria

Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (Austrian National Library)

The beautiful baroque library of the Hapsburg empire.
Vienna, Austria

Habsburg Imperial Crypt

The final resting place for the remains of 143 Habsburg royalty.
Prague, Czechia

Prague Astronomical Clock

Macabre astrological automaton clock dating to the late 1400s.
Stromboli, Italy

Stromboli Island

A volcanic old faithful, Stromboli has been erupting continuously for the last 2000 years.
Vienna, Austria

Republic of Kugelmugel

A spherical "micro-nation" in the heart of Vienna.
Tiraspol, Moldova


A forgotten remnant of the Soviet Union, Transnistria is an unrecognized country hidden behind a heavily militarized border between Moldova and Ukraine.
Vienna, Austria


Located right outside of Vienna, visitors can take in expansive views of an ethereal forest.
Zwentendorf, Austria

Zwentendorf Nuclear Power Plant

Austria's very first and only nuclear power station was completed but never used.