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Places visited in Aruba
Willemstad, Curaçao

Mikvé Israel-Emanuel Synagogue

The floor of the oldest surviving synagogue in the Americas is entirely covered in sand.
Santa Cruz, Aruba

Donkey Sanctuary Aruba

A safe place for the wild donkeys of a hot vacation destination.
Noord, Aruba

Bushiribana Gold Mill Ruins

The remnants of an abandoned, 19th-century gold mill along Aruba's rugged northeastern coast.
Savannah, Georgia

The Pirates' House

This kitschy tavern is also home to rare early editions of "Treasure Island."
Savannah, Georgia

Sears Mishap House Myth

Local myth claims this is a Sears catalogue home with its windows installed upside-down.
Savannah, Georgia

Abe's on Lincoln

This bar hosts an ever-evolving napkin art installation devoted to an American president.
Savannah, Georgia

Rousakis Plaza Echo Square

"X" marks the spot of an echo chamber in the middle of a plaza.
Savannah, Georgia

Graveface Museum

Hidden amid the old-world charm of Savannah is a museum dedicated to the world of oddities and criminal history.
Baltimore, Maryland

Elijah Bond's Ouija Board Grave

The man who first patented the Ouija board rests in peace beneath a headstone that playfully reflects that achievement.
Baltimore, Maryland

Grave of John Wilkes Booth

A blank headstone topped with a pile of pennies marks the final resting place of the infamous assassin.
Baltimore, Maryland

Old Town Mall

Once a thriving business district, this former shopping area is now an urban ghost town in the heart of the city.
Baltimore, Maryland

Edgar Allan Poe's Grave

The trials and tribulations of marking Poe's grave.
Baltimore, Maryland

Ouija 7-Eleven

This simple convenience store sits on the location where the Ouija board was named—and has a plaque to prove it.
Baltimore, Maryland

Bromo-Seltzer Arts Tower

Baltimore's classic clock tower was once topped by a rotating, 20-ton medicine bottle.
Havre de Grace, Maryland

Dr. Gloom's Crypt of Curiosities

Fiji mermaids, mummified remains, and recreated cryptids are among the morbid oddities at this Maryland museum.
Baltimore, Maryland

Baltimore Basilica

The design of this historic domed church was influenced by Thomas Jefferson and intended as a statement of religious freedom.