rebirnie's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Wray, Colorado

Beecher Island

The site of a minor battle might have been forgotten if not for one participant’s famous family and the death of a respected warrior.
Joes, Colorado

Prairie Futures

An environmental art installation inspired by farmhouses and crop circles.
Burlington, Colorado

Kit Carson County Carousel

One of few remaining antique carousels with stationary animals in the U.S.
Lucas, Kansas

The Garden of Eden

Self-built house and sculpture park where the creator can still be seen in a glass coffin.
Lebanon, Kansas

Geographic Center of the Contiguous United States

Small plaque marks the spot, but the true center is located about half a mile away on a private pig farm.
Cawker City, Kansas

World's Largest Ball of Twine

It's big, it's a ball, and it's made of twine—the world's largest of its kind.
Denver, Colorado

Blue Mustang

The Denver airport is guarded by a 32-foot-tall sculpture of a demonic horse.
Orchard, Colorado

Dearfield Ghost Town

In the early 1900s, hundreds of Black Americans found opportunity in this now-abandoned rural community.
Genoa, Colorado

The Wonder Tower

permanently closed
See six states, pickled freaks, rocks, and antiques.
Goodland, Kansas

Giant Van Gogh Painting

Massive still life just off the highway in Kansas.