joycelynruiz's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Utsunomiya, Japan

Oya History Museum - Subterranean Cave

This massive, beautifully-lit underground quarry leaves visitors in awe.
Sekigahara-chō, Japan

Sekigahara War Land

One of the bloodiest and most important battles in Japanese history is recreated with kitschy concrete statues.
Tokyo, Japan

Kozukappara Execution Grounds

This infamous execution site inspired the beginning of Japan's modernization in the late 18th-century.
Osaka, Japan

Sakura no Tōrinuke

Every spring, this walkway outside the Japan Mint turns into a cherry blossom tunnel.
Tokyo, Japan

Gunkan Higashi Shinjuku

This battleship of a building was designed by a famed "mad architect."
Tokyo, Japan

Yagiri no Watashi

The only Edo-period ferry that is still in operation in Tokyo today.
Tokyo, Japan

Oiteke Bori

This water goblin statue represents a 19th-century urban legend about a haunted canal that became a Japanese idiom.
Yūbari-shi, Japan

Shimizusawa Thermal Power Plant

This historic hydroelectric power plant in Japan has been preserved and is open to the public.
Kesennuma, Japan

Kori no Suizokukan

450 dead and frozen fish, proudly on display in Japan.
Mine, Japan

Akiyoshido Cave

Approximately 300 million years ago, a massive coral reef existed in what is now the largest limestone cave in Japan.
Tomigusuku, Japan

Naval Underground Headquarters

Elaborate series of tunnels where traces of mass suicide are still visible.
Yamagata, Japan

Yamadera Temple Complex

The Buddhist temples of Yamadera, built into a mountain side, feature a viewing deck with sweeping views.
Tokyo, Japan

Ningyocho Mechanical Clock Towers

When this clock strikes a certain time, puppets showcase a story of life in Edo Japan.
Hiraizumi, Japan

Takkoku no Iwaya Bishamondo

Founded over a thousand years ago, this shrine is said to be built on the site of a warlord's harem prison.
Karuizawa, Japan

Karuizawa Picture Book Forest Museum

Children's literature inside, forest all around.
Tokyo, Japan

Aoyama Technical College

A giant robo-cockroach building devours Tokyo.
Bisbee, Arizona

Bisbee Stairs

Stairs often replace streets on the steep slopes of this old mining town.
Keams Canyon, Arizona

Awat'ovi Ruins

More than 300 years ago, a revolt at this Hopi pueblo shaped the future of the American Southwest.
Flagstaff, Arizona

Red Mountain

The eroded core of an ancient volcano is now accessible by a short hike.
Yucca, Arizona

Area 66

This golf ball–shaped former desert real estate office now houses a UFO museum.