dgreen1122eeg's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Hyderabad, India

Maqtha Art District

A magical expanse of colorful street murals lies hidden within the quiet neighborhood.
Mont Saint-Michel, France

Mont Saint-Michel

This 1,300 year old monastery built atop a single rock was once only accessible depending on the whims of the tide.
Nueva Gerona, Cuba

Presidio Modelo

A series of five defunct panopticon prisons in Cuba.
Qesm Saint Katrin, Egypt

Red Sea Blue Hole

The deadliest diving spot in the world is also a stunning geological marvel.
Saint-Denis, France

Heart of the Dauphin

The mummified heart of Louis XVII, the lost dauphin of the French Revolution.

Buddha Tooth Relic Temple & Museum

This $62 million dollar temple was erected to house one little dental fragment of religious history.
Krakow, Poland

Rynek Underground

Beneath Kraków Old Town's main square lies a hologram-filled medieval market vampire graveyard wonderland.
Hancock, Maine

Pet Sematary Filming Sites

The house and graveyard used in the Stephen King spine-chiller.
Rome, Italy

Porta Alchemica

An alchemist's "magic door" stands in the middle of a Roman park.
Yakushima, Japan

Shiratani Unsuikyo Ravine

The magical, mossy forest that inspired 'Princess Mononoke.'
Marble Falls Township, Arkansas

Dogpatch USA

permanently closed
A hillbilly theme park that proved so unpopular the land wouldn't even sell on eBay after it closed.