butlermadison97's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Washington, D.C.

Bare-Chested George Washington

Perhaps the most scandalous statue of America's first president.
Washington, D.C.

Willard Hotel

Legend has it that President Grant’s frequent drinking in the lobby gave rise to the term “lobbyist.”
Washington, D.C.

Albert Einstein Bronze Statue

The beloved statue at the National Academy of Sciences is oh so inviting to sit on.
Washington, D.C.

The Lockkeeper's House

A derelict bit of infrastructure from the canal that once ran through D.C. is landlocked in the heart of the city.
Defiance, Missouri

Defiance Roadhouse

Who said a biker bar is no place for a taxidermy squirrel collection?
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Pabst Mansion

A giant, Gilded Age mansion that once belonged to the beer baron of Milwaukee.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Charles II Statue

Edinburgh's oldest statue hides within a parking lot behind the city's iconic cathedral.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Greyfriars Bobby

The most loyal of little dogs, or a Victorian era publicity stunt?
Edinburgh, Scotland

Greyfriars Cemetery Mortsafes

Protecting the dead from opportunistic body snatchers.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Wardrop's Court Dragons

A quartet of brightly colored mythical beasts stand sentry at this gateway.
Edinburgh, Scotland

William Wallace and Robert the Bruce Statues

Overlooked by many, the two famous Scottish warriors guard the main gate of Edinburgh Castle.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Holyrood Abbey Ruins

Ruined 11th century abbey built by King David I in Edinburgh, Scotland.
Edinburgh, Scotland

David Hume's Statue

Touching this 18th-century Scottish philosopher’s toe allegedly conjures good fortune.
Edinburgh, Scotland

The Heart of Midlothian

A sweet symbol marks the place where torturous executions were once carried out.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Mary King's Close

17th century streets hidden under Edinburgh were once a breeding ground for the black death.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Heave Awa Hoose

This monument is dedicated to a young boy who survived a disaster that forced Edinburgh to reevaluate its building codes.
Edinburgh, Scotland


Brass bricks outline the locations of Edinburgh's lost, lively market stalls.
County Antrim, Northern Ireland

Giant's Causeway

Northern Ireland's Brobdingnagian stepping stones.
Belfast, Northern Ireland

Launch Site of the Titanic

A museum marks and documents the site of the Titanic's launch.
Belfast, Northern Ireland

Samson and Goliath

These engineering masterpieces are a dominant feature of the Belfast skyline.
Belfast, Northern Ireland

'Glass of Thrones Belfast'

A series of stained glass artworks that depict images of the hit TV show.
Belfast, Northern Ireland

SS Nomadic

The ship built to ferry passengers and goods to the doomed Titanic is now the last remaining White Star Line vessel.
County Derry, Northern Ireland

The Free Derry Corner Murals

These murals stand as reminders to the troubled history of this Northern Ireland city.
Cork, Ireland

The Four-Faced Liar

On the clock tower at St. Anne's Church in Cork, you never know which face is telling the truth.