Woodland Chapel at Woodsgate
Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania
An ideal wedding spot that is almost too ideal.
As if not British-sounding enough, this wedding clearing is on the property of an inn called Stroudsmoor. Where are the velvet pantaloons and whinnying horses? Jokes aside, this elegant locale contains an energy as if somewhere in its oak, maple, and evergreen midst, a nick in the fabric of this dimension exists, leaking other-worldliness to the effect of leaves fluttering just a bit too perfectly, stream babbling a bit too coherently. Nearby is the 30,000-acre Cherry Valley National Wildlife Refuge, which possesses its own level of majesty.
Know Before You Go
257 Stroudsmoor Rd.
Stroudsburg, PA 18360
GPS Coordinates
Lat. 40.966456 Long. -75.204596
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June 7, 2012
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