The Manaca Iznaga Tower – Trinidad, Cuba - Atlas Obscura

The Manaca Iznaga Tower

An old slave lookout in Cuba's historic sugar cane fields. 


The Manaca Iznaga tower in Cuba’s Valle de los Ingenios was erected in 1750 in order to observe and control the slaves working in the sugar cane fields around the hacienda (or plantation). At 7 stories high and 136 steps to the top, it’s worth the climb for the view of the valley. The bells that once regulated the mill’s daily life are still intact.

The Manaca Iznaga Tower is the tallest lookout tower ever built in the Caribbean sugar region.

Adapted with permission from dedicated to travelers looking for alternative and off the beaten track travel.


Know Before You Go

If you want, you can access to the Manaca Iznaga plantation by steam train from Trinidad.Else, you must drive about 18km (East)

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