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Brandy Gap Tunnel #2
Salem, West Virginia
This abandoned train tunnel has been the subject of countless ghost stories for years.
Tunnel entrance.
Brandy Gap Tunnel #2, also known as the Flinderation Tunnel, is an abandoned train tunnel now part of the North Bend Rail Trail, just outside of Salem. The tunnel was completed around 1857 under a cemetery that dates back to the 1700s.
Many visitors to the tunnel have claimed to witness various types of paranormal activity. It has become a favorite haunt of ghost hunters and curious adventurers. Legend has it that a railroad worker who was accidentally killed in the tunnel is the spirit inhabiting the subterranean lair.
Know Before You Go
Bring a flashlight, it's dark in there. You can park at the gate. Bring rain shoes as the tunnel can be muddy. It also gets cold, so bring a warm jacket or winter coat depending on the time of day/year.
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October 27, 2019
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