At bakeries and restaurants across Asia, but especially in China and Taiwan, dishes sometimes come garnished with a fuzzy layer of pork floss. It’s a condiment filled with contrasts: both soft and crunchy, savory and sweet.
Made of candied, seasoned pork that’s stir-fried until dry, pork floss gets added to bland food to give it a porky punch. Often, it’s sprinkled atop baked goods or rice porridge, and its wooly texture offers a nice counterpoint to soft bread and rice rolls. It’s sweet enough to be a welcome addition to cake, as well.
If you like the idea of meat floss, but aren’t a pork fan, fear not: Other variations include fish floss and beef floss.
Where to Try It
Woodman's Supermarket Website
595 N Westhill Blvd, Appleton, Wisconsin, 54914, United StatesWoodman's is a small chain of employee-owned supermarkets in Wisconsin. The other locations probably carry pork floss too; Woodman's has a very extensive Asian food section. The 2 kinds that my local Woodman's carries are Ching Yeh Pork Sung and Ching Yeh Pork Fu. One is definitely sweeter than the other.
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