HK28892's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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HK28892's activity rankings
Places visited in Sunderland, England
Places visited in Newcastle upon Tyne, England
Places visited in Ibiza, Spain
Places visited in Peterlee, England
Derbyshire, England

Ice Age Cave Dwellings at Creswell Crags

A gorge full of caverns where early humans lived alongside cave hyenas, giant mammoths and wooly rhinoceroses.
Eyam, England

Hall Hill Troughs

One of the U.K's earliest public water supplies is within the "plague village."
Eyam, England

Eyam Plague Village Museum

Eyam took steps to quarantine themselves and keep the plague from spreading.
Stirling, Scotland

The Bastion & Thieves Pot

Hidden in this modern shopping center is a relic of 16th-century capital punishment.
Stirling, Scotland

The World's Oldest Football

Tucked away in this local museum is a piece of sporting equipment that dates to the 16th-century.
Stirling, Scotland

Grave Robbing Headstone

A grave marker depicting a body snatching tableau on a 19th-century tombstone.
Stirling, Scotland

Martyrs' Memorial

A striking glass tribute to two sisters who suffered during Scotland's "Killing Time."
London, England

The Barbican Estate

This sprawling, Brutalist estate feels like a city within a city.
York, England

Dick Turpin's Tombstone

The final resting place of England's most notorious bandit.
York, England

'The Prick of Consciousness'

A stained-glass window from the 15th century offers a vision of the end of the world.
York, England

York Minster Astronomical Clock

This memorial to World War II's fallen airmen shows us the movements of the stars that once guided them.
York, England

Shambles of York

Follow the original medieval paths that wind through this intriguing section of the city.
Tissington, England

Derbyshire Well Dressing

The tradition of using flowers to decorate wells is once again thriving in England.
London, England

Holborn Viaduct

London’s first road overpass is so old that it was originally built for horse-drawn carriages.
Newcastle upon Tyne, England

Ballast Hills Burial Ground

This former burial ground, built atop discarded ballast from cargo ships, is now a public park.
South Shields, England

'Conversation Piece'

This sculpture made up of 22 bulbous bronze figures reminds locals of massive Weeble Woobles.
Falkirk, Scotland

Falkirk Wheel

Old-fashioned knowledge and modern engineering create the world's only rotating boatlift.
Grangemouth, Scotland

The Kelpies

The heads of two giant mythological water horses honor Scotland's horselord past.
Northumberland, England


This enchanting Victorian estate was home to the world's first hydroelectric power generator.

Mother Shipton's Cave and the Petrifying Well

Once thought to be the mysterious work of a witchy prophetess, a well with unusual properties turns objects into "stone".
Durham, England

The Lanchester Diploma

The 2,000-year-old pieces of metal are an ancient soldier's military discharge papers.
Durham, England

Palace Green Library

This library dates back to the late 17th century and was one of the first public lending libraries in England.
Durham, England

Stone Gargoyle Chair

An unusual stone chair can be found on the banks of the River Wear, not far from Durham Cathedral.
Durham, England

The Count's House

A rather grand, but tiny, folly on the banks of the River Wear associated with a Polish count.