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Places visited in Villa de Leyva, Colombia
Places visited in Jardín, Colombia
Places visited in Guatape, Colombia
Places visited in Colombia
Places visited in Cali, Colombia
Places visited in Bogotá, Colombia
Cartagena, Colombia

Door Knockers of Cartagena

The colonial city's social history is reflected in its fanciful door knockers.
Cartagena, Colombia

The Palace of the Inquisition

This elegant Colombian fortress was one of the torture headquarters for the Spanish Inquisition.
Cartagena, Colombia

Convento de la Popa

Perched atop the highest hill in Cartagena, this 17th-century convent offers spectacular views of the city.
Cartagena, Colombia

The Circo Teatro of Old Cartagena

permanently closed
A mouldering Colombian bull ring stands as a reminder of the country's complicated relationship with a brutal sport.
Cali, Colombia

Parque del Perro

This statue pays homage to a group of kids's childhood companion who once called the park home.
Cali, Colombia

Cat Park - Parque El Gato De Tejada

A park with one large cat sculpture and 15 smaller ones, all painted by different Colombian artists.
Olaya, Colombia

Puente de Occidente (Bridge of the West)

What was once the longest suspension bridge in Latin America was directly inspired by the iconic Brooklyn Bridge.
Palmira, Colombia

Sugarcane Museum - Hacienda Piedechinche Museo de la Caña de Azucar

A museum showcasing the history of sugarcane with a rich history.
Neiva, Colombia

La Gaitana Monument

This dramatic monument in Colombia honors a little-known indigenous fighter for independence.
Medellín, Colombia

The Gondolas of Medellín

An unusual and beautiful form of mass transit serves the city's steepest neighborhoods.
Medellín, Colombia

Comuna 13

Outdoor escalators and art have helped change what was once a notoriously dangerous part of Medellín.
Medellín, Colombia

Plaza Botero

Home to 23 voluptuous and instantly lovable sculptures by one of Latin America's most celebrated artists.
Medellín, Colombia

Parque de los Pies Descalzos (Barefoot Park)

This city park wants you to take your shoes off.
Medellín, Colombia

Parque de las Luces

Three hundred illuminated pillars form an “artificial forest” in Medellín.
Medellín, Colombia

La Alpujarra Administrative Center

In the heart of Medellín, an artsy urban complex sets the stage for demonstrations and protests.
Medellín, Colombia

The Birds of Peace

Two identical statues by Fernando Botero, one blown to pieces in a terrorist bombing, the other donated as a gift for peace.
Medellín, Colombia

Museo Casa de la Memoria (House of Memory Museum)

A museum of memories in what was once one of the most violent cities in the world.
Jardín, Colombia

Cave of Splendor

Enchanting cave with a river crashing through the roof.
Jardín, Colombia

Teleférico la Garrucha (Garrucha Cable Car)

Would you dare to dangle from a great height in a wooden basket?
El Peñol, Colombia

El Peñon de Guatape

A 10 million-ton rock once worshiped by the Tahamies Indians, accessed by an astounding staircase.
Guatape, Colombia


The Andean town where every single building is decorated with a brightly colored frieze.
Guatape, Colombia

La Manuela Hacienda Ruins

permanently closed
Ripped apart by a bomb in 1993, the shell of Pablo Escobar's infamous vacation house still stands.
Pereira, Colombia

Bolívar Desnudo (Nude Bolívar)

This unusual monument shows a naked Simón Bolívar stripped of clothing, medals, and swords.
Sogamoso, Colombia

Vargas Swamp Lancers Memorial

Largest monument in Colombia depicts 14 lancers who drove back an army.