deichsel's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Yangon, Myanmar (Burma)
Places visited in Monrovia, Liberia
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Seoul, South Korea

Greem Cafe

Step into a cartoon at this Seoul café that aims to evoke a two-dimensional scene.
Seoul, South Korea

Museum Kimchikan

Tracking the 1,500-year history of Korea's star cabbage.
Washington, D.C.

Ruins of the McMillan Sand Filtration Site at Reservoir Park

An Industrial Revolution-era public work that purified water using nothing but sand.
Washington, D.C.

Howard Theatre

Through the decades, Black music stars have performed at this historic hub for music and the arts.
Hamden, Connecticut

Sleeping Giant Observation Tower

Amazing views of Long Island Sound can be seen from this mountaintop tower.
Toronto, Ontario

Casa Loma

A 98-room castle in the middle of Toronto that bankrupted a 19th century electricity multimillionaire.
London, England

Coade Stone Caryatids

A measuring mishap led to these artificial stone ladies losing their stomachs.


This statue once earned the distinction as one of the "Three Major Disappointments of the World."
Washington, D.C.

Embassy Gulf Service Center

Behind an abandoned storefront is an example of pioneering 1930s gas station architecture.
Washington, D.C.

Capital Transit Co. Streetcar Barn

Before Metro, Washington had a robust streetcar network—and you see the remains of this infrastructure if you know where to look.
Washington, D.C.

Fort DeRussy

A Civil War fort in the middle of Washington, D.C. has been swallowed by a forest.
Washington, D.C.

Space Window at the Washington National Cathedral

A tiny piece of the Moon is embedded in this stained glass masterpiece.
Hanoi, Vietnam

Trompe-l'œil Murals of Hanoi

Life-sized painted illusions let pedestrians blend in with the street art.
Hanoi, Vietnam

Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum

Ho Chi Minh's perfectly preserved body has been on display here since 1975.
Hanoi, Vietnam

B-52 Wreckage

Monument to a brutal, ineffectual US bombing campaign and a sobering reminder of the human cost of the Vietnam War.
Hanoi, Vietnam

Hanoi's Train Street

Twice a day a speeding train passes only inches from the homes of this residential neighborhood.
Hanoi, Vietnam

Cafe Pho Co

Walk through a clothing store, across a courtyard, and up several flights of stairs for delicious coffee with a side of beautiful views.
Hanoi, Vietnam

Anthony Bourdain and Barack Obama's Dinner Table

The spot where the two men ate together now stands enclosed in glass.
Việt Hưng, Vietnam

Snake Village

This tiny Vietnamese village is known for eating snakes and serving their still-beating hearts in shots of vodka.
Hanoi, Vietnam

Hỏa Lò Prison

The notorious "Hanoi Hilton" where Vietnamese colonial subjects and later American POWs, including John McCain, were imprisoned.
Lakewood, Colorado

Casa Bonita

At this Denver landmark, the meals are compulsory, the sopapillas are complimentary, and the insanity is everywhere.
Bago, Myanmar (Burma)

Shwethalyaung Buddha of Bago

The second largest reclining Buddha in the world got "lost" for over 120 years.
Naypyitaw, Myanmar (Burma)

The Road through Naypyidaw

A deserted 20-lane highway runs through Myanmar's empty capital city.
Thaton District, Myanmar (Burma)

Kyaiktiyo Pagoda

A precariously perched golden rock defies gravity and brings pilgrims from across Myanmar.