embershane's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Tyrone, Pennsylvania

Tytoona Cave Nature Preserve Area

Considered by many to be a local landmark and treasure.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Site of the Jefferson Street Ballpark

The humble field where the first Major League Baseball game was played.
Oaks, Pennsylvania

World's Largest Slinky

Once on display alongside a giant Gumby, it’s as tall as a nine-story building when fully extended.
Florence, Kentucky

Florence Y'all Water Tower

After a water tower painting was accused of being an ad, a simple fix was made that gave the city a motto.
Louisville, Kentucky

Waverly Hills Sanatorium

This former tuberculosis research hospital endeavored to cure the dreaded disease with fresh air and positive attitudes.
Mammoth Cave, Kentucky

Mammoth Cave

The world's longest known cave system.
Crossville, Tennessee

Minister's Treehouse

permanently closed
This structure among the trees was the result of divine inspiration.
Jackson, Tennessee

Casey Jones Village

This Tennessee museum is dedicated to a tragic railroad hero who inspired the famous ballad that bears his name.
Lookout Mountain, Tennessee

Lookout Mountain Incline Railway

This funicular railway rumbles along for a mile up the nearly vertical face of Chattanooga’s Lookout Mountain.
Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Oak Ridge "The Secret City"

The secret city built by the Manhattan Project.
Chattanooga, Tennessee

Ruby Falls

The mysterious wonder of an underground waterfall is illuminated by multicolored lights.
Scarbro, West Virginia

Whipple Company Store

permanently closed
Smack in the midst of coal country, this collection provides a peoples' history of Appalachian miners' heritage.
Gilbert, West Virginia

Hatfield & McCoy Moonshine

Sample original Hatfield family moonshine at this distillery in southern West Virginia.
Sutton, West Virginia

West Virginia Bigfoot Museum

A museum dedicated to the legend of Bigfoot in the Appalachian Mountains.
Eglon, West Virginia

Our Lady of the Pines

This claimant to the title of "smallest church in the 48 states" doubles as an equally tiny, quasi-post office.
Point Pleasant, West Virginia

Mothman Statue

This red-eyed chrome beast pays homage to the popular modern myth of West Virginia's insectoid monster.