arianalbear's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Gainesville, Florida
Places visited in Jekyll Island, Georgia
Places visited in Troy, New York
Places visited in Madagascar
Places visited in Caribbean Netherlands
Places visited in West Chester, Pennsylvania
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Willemstad, Curaçao

Mikvé Israel-Emanuel Synagogue

The floor of the oldest surviving synagogue in the Americas is entirely covered in sand.
Willemstad, Curaçao

The Abandoned Pietermaai Mansions

The mouldering manses of wealthy colonials still pock the streets of a Curaçao neighborhood.
Bonaire, Caribbean Netherlands

Bonaire Botanical Garden

Part home garden, part sculpture field, part pseudo-science experiment, a trip to this place will leave you wondering if sea water isn't actually the elixir of life.
Bonaire, Caribbean Netherlands

Donkey Sanctuary Bonaire

A sanctuary for sickly, stray, or wounded donkeys.
Noord, Aruba

Bushiribana Gold Mill Ruins

The remnants of an abandoned, 19th-century gold mill along Aruba's rugged northeastern coast.
Santa Cruz, Aruba

Donkey Sanctuary Aruba

A safe place for the wild donkeys of a hot vacation destination.
Weehawken, New Jersey

Weehawken Dueling Grounds

The boulder on which Alexander Hamilton laid his head after a deadly duel can still be visited on the New Jersey coast.
Hoboken, New Jersey

Birthplace of Baseball Monument

A bronze plaque at an intersection in Hoboken marks the place where the game of baseball first took shape.
Hoboken, New Jersey

Sybil's Cave

The remains of a 19th century spring, and the site of an infamous unsolved murder.
Jersey City, New Jersey

The Katyń Massacre Memorial

This evocative New Jersey statue memoralizes the Polish victims of a Soviet massacre.
Jersey City, New Jersey

The Colgate Clock

On the Hudson resides one of the largest clocks in the world.
Jersey City, New Jersey

Morris Canal

Once considered a marvel of engineering, this 107-mile canal played an integral role in building New York City.
Bayonne, New Jersey

Tear Drop Memorial

World Trade Center memorial likened to a woman's sexual organ.
Campeche, Mexico

Palacio Legislativo de Campeche (Legislative Palace of Campeche)

In the middle of this historic colonial city resides a modernist government building known as the UFO.
Campeche, Mexico

Xmuch'haltún Botanical Garden

The walls of a colonial-era fort encircle a small, tropical assortment of plant life.
Savannah, Georgia

Lucas Theatre

The first public building in Savannah to offer air conditioning was a luxurious cinema that still operates today.
Savannah, Georgia

The Marshall House

An early-19th-century hotel with a past that is steeped in the Civil War.
Savannah, Georgia

Sears Mishap House Myth

Local myth claims this is a Sears catalogue home with its windows installed upside-down.
Savannah, Georgia

The Waving Girl

A statue honoring 44 continuous years of greeting passing ships.
Savannah, Georgia

Rousakis Plaza Echo Square

"X" marks the spot of an echo chamber in the middle of a plaza.
Savannah, Georgia

Plant Riverside

A once-groundbreaking power plant turned into a hotel and mini-museum of archeological and geological wonders.
Thunderbolt, Georgia

Charles F. Mills Grave Bell

A 19th-century cemetery device to ensure that the prematurely buried would be "saved by the bell."
Savannah, Georgia

Grave of Gracie Watson

More than a century after her death, Little Gracie Watson remains one of Savannah's most often-visited residents.
Savannah, Georgia

The Bonaventure Jogger

An eerie smiling woman looms above the granite tombstones.