The Atlas Obscura Guide To Creede
4 Cool, Hidden, and Unusual Things to Do in Creede, Colorado
Updated November 18, 2021
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A Road Trip Into Colorado’s Prehistoric Past
Beneath Colorado’s majestic peaks, beside its roaring rivers, and nestled in the curves of its dramatic canyons, remnants of the prehistoric world have quietly waited for eons. Only over the past several centuries have people discovered these fossils, unlocking answers to the lives of ancient flora, the behavior of long-gone plants and animals, and the ever-changing landscape of this geologically dynamic state. Pieces of the prehistoric past that you can personally witness in Colorado include the continent’s longest dinosaur trackway, the remains of an ancient rainforest, the stumps of petrified redwood trees, and much more. A lot can happen over several hundred million years—but here in Colorado, none of it’s hiding.
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wants to go to Wheeler Geologic Area
wants to go to Wheeler Geologic Area
wants to go to Wheeler Geologic Area
wants to go to Wheeler Geologic Area